Big Sandy School Board held regular meeting

Although they held their regular meeting, some of the agenda items were regular, but others didn’t sound very normal. Yes, the building Maintenance Projects are going on as usual, with the FE Miley flooring progressing. And like every summer, deep clean takes place in each room, and some painting is going on in both the high school and grade school as well. The mirrors going up the stairs at the high school are being removed, and the area repainted.

Travis reported, “All teachers will have computers that run Windows 10 that previously had windows 7. The Pixellot cameras for NFHS are in the gym, and the football field has been installed completely. Internet speeds will be increased starting July 1st to 500 MBS.”

The Community Pool Committee was present and visited with the board on prospective land use and funding for a new pool.

Every year the school needs to approve and post the CIPA. I didn’t know what that was, so I researched it so I could better understand. CIPA is “The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA). It requires that K-12 schools and libraries use Internet filters and implement other measures to protect children from harmful online content as a condition for the receipt of certain federal funding, especially E-rate funds.”

Also, Individual Transportation Contracts were discussed. This is the 2nd-semester payment for the parents who transport their kids to school. Parents receive two payments a year, one per semester.

The 2018-2019 audit is completed, and if you want to see the complete audit, you may request one from the school. Any warrants, checks, or Direct Deposit over the one-year-old old need to be voided, so that they can be cleared on the books. We have some accounts that are no longer active and need to be closed out.

Heather Dilworth has agreed to be the cheerleader advisor for the 2020-21 school year.

As with other schools, there was a request from North Star School for a Student Attendance Agreement. It just means North Star is requesting to enter our district to pick up students that attend their school.

Approval of all Handbooks for 2020-21 was discussed There were some changes done in the handbooks and needed the board’s approval

According to Kelly Haaland, one of the most important discussions was the Meal Prices. Hot lunches will be available for all students in the lunchroom. Student lunch prices (grades 7 – 12) are $2.25 per meal. Elementary (K-6) are $2.00 per meal. Adult lunch prices are $2.25. Students who carry cold lunches are encouraged to eat them in the lunchroom. Sack lunches may be eaten in the high school concessions area. We highly encourage any student/family to apply for the free and reduced lunch program. Lunch accounts for students qualifying for this program are not identified in any way. Breakfast is provided at both buildings at the cost of $1.10 per meal.

During Kelly Haaland, Superintendent’s Report, he mentioned the Annex/Gym and attached CCDH guidelines for Phase 2 to read. “It clearly states what we can and can’t do right now.” This was published in the Big Sandy Mountaineer last month.

After visiting with Angel Johnson, she informed me that no school is opening their schools to the public because of the liability involved.

Kelly Haaland said they have no guidelines yet for fall sports, or for that matter, what regulations will be in place to open the schools. He will report to the Mountaineer as quickly as he gets that information.

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