River Ramblings South

We are climbing on the wings of summer and will soon be in full flight to hot days, warm nights, and delicious garden produce. Thankfully, we have had some pleasant rains giving us much needed moisture, which brightens the countryside with shimmers of green and abundant flowers. The yucca plants are in full bloom as well as cactus and other wildflowers. Our yard looks great, all green and lush with flowers blooming in my flower gardens; my rose garden is so beautiful with many different colors and types of roses. Our family is getting into the swing of haying season, which was preceded by many hours of irrigating, daily repairs, and repairs we should have had done. We always seem to come upon some work that was sidelined for something more pressing, so it's catch up time!

We all have enjoyed the babies born this Spring calves, kittens, foals, Nigerian Dwarf kids, our new flock of chickens and guineas, and a white baby alpaca or crea. One of my favorite things about ranch life is having animals to love, care for, train, and enjoy. On the other hand, there also comes heartaches or difficulties when many animals are involved, and you must deal with wildlife. While walking our daily excursion with our dogs, we ran into a rattlesnake. It struck our black Boxer, Ella, she was sick instantly, saw the strike on the front of her nose, went to the river, and dropped, wanting to lay there. Luckily, Skylar and Ron were nearby working and heard the commotion. They were quickly there with a snake dispatch shovel and a pickup to take Ella to town. Thanks to Skylar, that snake will not strike again. Raynee and our granddaughter, Tyla, were there also. Tyla was so happy the snake was dead; she kept saying, "Uncle Skylar got it!" She was in her stroller, so she was not near the snake, but sure knew she didn't like it. We took Ella to Big Sandy, where Dr. Erica Chauvet took care of her; we were grateful she was doctored with some medicine and shots and could come home to a complete recovery after a week. Thanks, Erica!

Coyotes have been very bold coming awfully close to our mares and foals, and cows and calves have been working over the deer population and finally getting a newborn calf. Skylar caught the coyote attacking the calf, but the damage was done, the calf did not survive. A situation that makes everyone feel bad. Our alpacas so far must scare the coyotes as we have had no attacks on them. Our newest a white crea is so pearly white and cute; she loves checking out anyone who visits her pasture, running up to people to see what they are doing. She brings a smile to my face every time I see her; her antics are also quite comical! We are hoping to have a couple more crea so that she will have playmates. We have three more mares to foal, which will rap up the watch for newborns.

Our garden, grapes, various berries, and fruit trees are flourishing, the cantaloupe and pumpkins are looking decent. With the beautiful rains and July's heat, they should thrive to be soon ready for picking and eating! I cannot wait!

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