What's Happening at the BSMC?

Despite the continued visitor restrictions, we are staying busy here at BSMC. The warmer weather has allowed for much needed and greatly enjoyed time outside. The flowers were planted in May; with this rain and sunshine, they are looking beautiful and we enjoy being on the patio with them. The Grace Lutheran Church, paired with an anonymous donation, funded the purchase of two outdoor rocking chairs for the patio. They have been a great addition that are enjoyed by the residents. If the weather is cooperative, we enjoy a meal or afternoon activities outside. We've cooled off with water guns and water balloons as well as popsicles and ice cream. We have also played beach ball hockey on the patio and even celebrated a baby reveal party! There's always music on while we're outside; and the birds keep us in good company too. It is lovely to be outside; but we sure do miss all of you!

Although in-person visitation was not allowed for months, we have been blessed with visits through the windows from many people. Everyone's windows were painted by various family members and volunteer's and, more recently, the Sunshine Snippers 4-H club stopped by to draw on our sidewalks. We have had special visits from a Dinosaur (Patti Pegar), a Squirrel (Lisa Sipler), and Marla Ray came and sang to our residents through the window. We are certainly learning how to make our own fun and to appreciate all the little things. Phone calls and letters are still greatly appreciated. You can call 378-2167 to speak to a resident, or send cards/letters to PO Box 530; Big Sandy; MT 59520.

BSMC is currently allowing family and friends to SCHEDULE visits with their loved ones. Visits are only allowed on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at either 11:00 am or 4:00 pm. This policy is designed to help keep our residents safe and healthy. All visitors are required to be screened upon arrival for visits. Each visit will take place outside in a designated area; and everyone is required to remain 6 feet apart with masks on. If you have your own mask, please bring it along; or one can be provided for you. All those under 18 wishing to visit are asked to visit through the window and will not be permitted a face-to-face visit. Please call with questions or concerns. We understand this is a difficult time and greatly appreciate your understanding and patience as we tread these unprecedented waters.

All staff have been wearing masks in the Long-Term Care portion of the facility for some time now. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Supplies have been allocated since March; so we are unable to order more disposable products at this time. A few community members have used their resources, time, and energy to make masks for our staff. We extend a heartfelt thanks to Patty Reichelt, Marlene Terry, Jessica Sietsema, Reggie Jappe, Donita Darlington, and Gerri Dolven for their hard work and willingness to support our facility during this time. If you'd like to donate cloth masks or reusable gowns, please call 378-2188 and speak to either Ashley or Lorraine.

Did you know both Zane Bendig, NP, and Krystyl Kulbeck, PA, offer telehealth visits as well? If you're not comfortable coming into the clinic for your routine visits, you're welcome to arrange them via telehealth! This is a great way to stay up to date with your care without leaving the house; you don't have to fight the roads, the people, or the germs! Please call the clinic at 378-2189 if you're interested in finding out more. We work with multiple other providers from around the state for telehealth visits as well. Save yourself the drive! We'll get you registered and set up in a private room for any of your out-of-facility appointments that can be offered through telehealth.

We are proud to announce three graduates from the most recent CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) class. Alicia Bjornestad, Michele Manhart, and Madison Terry have successfully completed their studies and passed their State Test. They will all be employed at Big Sandy Medical Center. Congratulations, girls!

We hope you continue to stay well and enjoy your summer months. We look forward to seeing you, even if it is through the window! Thank you for being the heart of BSMC.

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