Approved Return to School Plan 6 for Big Sandy Public Schools

The complete plan is almost 6,000 words covering all three phases, which makes it impossible for the Big Sandy Mountaineer to publish it in its entirety. I have chosen portions of the plan to print, but Kelly Haaland would like everyone to know, especially parents, that the complete plan is available for you on the new FaceBook page: Big Sandy Schools and on : The Pandemic Coordinator is Mr. Kelly Haaland, with the Pandemic Team of Heather Wolery, Charlie Sipler, and Melanie Schwarzbach.

Since we are currently in Phase 2, I’ve printed the majority of the plan here: Big Sandy School’s Phased Reopening Plan: The School’s Reopening plan covers three phases in accordance with the Governor’s state requirements and in conjunction with the Chouteau County Health Department.

Phase 2: Full capacity normal schedule continued

• Staff and students not feeling well should stay home. Students will be sent to the main office, and temperatures will be taken when a teacher suspects a student may be ill.

• Students who become ill during the day will be isolated in a designated area in the FE Miley or High School building and monitored until they can be sent home or parents can pick them up.

• Larger school events that draw in-person crowds are discouraged (assemblies, dances, etc.)

• Larger classes may be moved to an alternative location (auditorium as an example) in order to follow local and state guidelines on classroom size and allow for social distancing IAW CDC and State requirements.

• Extracurricular activities/sports status will be determined by MHSA guidelines and local control. These guidelines will be reported on as soon as they are available.

• Encourage students to disinfect personal belongings such as backpacks on a daily basis. (Follow cleaning backpack procedures in Resource page).

• Close all drinking fountains that do not contain a fill station. Use only the fill station portion of drinking fountains.

• Hold outdoor classes when possible.

• Students will be allowed to eat in classrooms if possible while still following social distance and classroom occupancy requirements. Staff will supervise all meals in cafeterias and classrooms to ensure guidelines are being followed. (E.g. no more than 10 at a table, tables six feet apart, markings in lunch line to specify six-foot distance while waiting)

• Restrict nonessential visitors, volunteers, and activities involving other groups at the same time.

• Create physical distance between children on school buses where possible.

• When possible and if necessary, student schedules will be adjusted to accommodate social distancing measures.

• Students will be encouraged to social distance in hallways and congregational spaces (bathrooms, concession areas, cafeterias).

• Monitor students for re-emergence of viruses.

• Be prepared for a possible return to Phase 1 or School Closer.

• Check out technology to students in need of laptops/Chromebooks.

• Grab and go lunches will be provided for students receiving online instruction through bus routes or school pick up in the a.m.

• Teachers should prepare alternative instruction for students who are unable to attend school for five or more consecutive school days.

• Temperatures will be taken prior to students getting on an activity bus (e.g. sports, clubs etc.).

• Temperatures will be taken prior to students getting on Route buses in the morning. Students with anything above 100.4 cannot board the bus.

Phase 2: Blend of online and on-campus instruction with smaller groups. (If necessary)

Schedule: This allows the district flexibility to determine a schedule best for students and staff within state and health guidelines. If needed, an alternating schedule allowing approximately 50% of the students on campus as determined by staff and administration.

Safety Measures:

Regardless of the Phase, the state is under, safety of students and staff is paramount. Students/staff not feeling well or running a temperature must stay home as per school policies. Standard health protocols will be followed:

• Frequent handwashing and use of hand sanitizer

• Cough in elbow

• Sneeze in tissue and toss it into garbage

• Social distancing as much as possible

• Elbow bumps instead of handshakes

• Avoid touching face, nose, eyes, or mouth

• Social distancing or masks when distancing is not possible

• Frequent sanitizing of occupied spaces

• Temperatures of students/staff/parents will be taken a minimum of once a day after entering the building. If a student has a temp of 100.4 or more, they will be isolated, and sent home.

• Isolated students will be given a mask to wear.

• Students, staff, or visitors who exhibit or report signs or symptoms of COVID 19 will be immediately sent home until they meet the following criteria:

• 24 hours with no fever without the use of Tylenol and

• Symptoms have improved (e.g., cough, shortness of breath) and

• 10 days since symptoms first appeared

• If symptoms can be attributed to another illness (positive flu or strep test) these guidelines do not apply

• Students or staff with a known exposure to a positive COVID 19 case (close contact as defined by the CDC is anyone who was within 6 feet of a positive case for at least fifteen minutes) or a positive test will be excluded from school grounds/activities until they have completed the 14-day quarantine required by the Chouteau County Health Department. Exposed persons must submit a copy of their quarantine letter from the health department. To return to in-school classes/activities, a copy of the quarantine release letter will be submitted prior to the individual returning to the facility. Questions concerning quarantine requirements will be referred to the Health Department at (406) 622-3771.

• Staff will be screened for symptoms of illness and history of exposure daily upon arrival at the facility. This will be accomplished by staff signing in at the office and filling out the screening form daily.

• Students and staff showing symptoms or feeling sick will report to the office so they can contact home or the clinic and go home.

• For care of minor injuries (Band-Aids), have students wash their hands and apply their own bandage.

• Staff is required to wear a mask and/or face shield when treating a student with illness or exhibiting signs of the flu.

The plan will change as they learn what works and what doesn’t work. It also includes the following:

• Guidelines for all three phases

• Health Precautions

• Gleaning Guidelines

• Signage

• Communications: Need to know

• Special Education

• Plan for when a staff, child, or visitor becomes sick.

• At-Risk Groups

• Contact Tracing

• Transportation

• Off-Campus/Remote Learning

• Face Mask Instructions when to wear it, how to put on and remove a facemask

• General Information about COVID

• How to disinfect Back Packs.

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