Outdoor basketball courts for Big Sandy Elementary

Big Sandy will soon have a new basketball court. The crumbling and cracked concrete of the existing courts at the FE Miley Elementary School has been removed. A new, larger, 40 x 80 feet court will replace it. The court will have 2 sets of basketball hoops with steel backboards, one set at the 8 feet height, and the other at regulation, 10 feet height. A repositionable net will be set at mid-court so that tennis, badminton, and volleyball can be played on the concrete as well. The court can be utilized as an area for outdoor learning once school begins.

Local contractors have been hired for this project. Genereux Gravel has completed the old court demolition and will supply gravel. The concrete will be formed and poured by a contractor from Havre. The Big Sandy Booster Club and Big Sandy Schools have worked together to get these new basketball courts for our community. Generous donations from Big Sandy Rotary, the school, student council, the Lippard-Clawiter Foundation, the Big Sandy Education Foundation, Northwest Farm Credit Services and Booster Club Sponsorships have made these courts possible. Phase two of this project will include lighting and perimeter fencing to help make this an even safer place for our kids to play. Donations to help purchase equipment, balls, and to continue into phase two of this project would be welcome. Donations can be sent Big Sandy Booster Club, PO Box 444, Big Sandy, MT 59520. Questions: contact: Anna Bold, Booster Club Vice-President, 378-2230.

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