Getting By

If you love working with wool fabric, yarn or fiber, the Make It With Wool (MIWW) Contest needs you! If you knit, crochet, spin, weave, sew or quilt, consider entering the MIWW contest this fall. The MIWW contest promotes the beauty and versatility of wool fabrics/yarns/fibers, encourages personal creativity, recognition of creative skills and development of life skills. The 2020 MIWW contest is quickly approaching so here are the details.

The District 3 (Blaine, Broadwater, Cascade, Chouteau, Glacier, Hill, Judith Basin, Lewis & Clark, Liberty, Meagher, Pondera, Teton and Toole counties) contest is scheduled for November 7 in Great Falls. Entry forms are due to the District Director (contact information below) four weeks prior to the contest.

The fabric/yarn/fiber needs to be a minimum of 60% wool or specialty wool fiber such as alpaca, angora, camel, cashmere, llama, mohair and vicuna to qualify for the contest. Swatches of fabric/yarn must be lab tested in advance for the Junior, Senior and Adult divisions.

The categories are Preteen (12 and under); Junior (13-16); Senior (17-24); Adult (age 25 and older); and Made for Others. Ages are determined as of January 1, 2020.

Entries can include: one-piece garments (dress, jumper, outerwear jacket, coat or cape); two-piece garment (outerwear coat, jacket, cape; blouse/shirt/vest or sweater with dress, jumper, skirt, pants or shorts); ensemble (three or more garments worn together at one time such as outerwear coat, jacket, cape, vest, blouse/shirt, and/or sweater with dress, jumper, skirt, pants or shorts.

Did you know a quilt/applique project/afghan contest is also held? The quilt top fiber content needs to be at least 60% wool, batting at least 60% wool or 100% cotton and backing at least 60% natural fiber (wool, cotton, linen or silk), can be constructed by an individual or by a group by hand and/or machine and should have a label. Afghans can be knitted or crocheted. Both applique projects and afghans must be at least 60% wool yarn or fiber, can be from a purchased kit or a design from a pattern book and should have a label. Applique projects need to have all edges finished with a machine and/or hand technique. The size categories are wall hanging/table runner, 56” x 72” throw, twin, queen, king, applique project or afghan.

First place winners in the Junior, Senior, Adult, and Made for Others categories advance to the State competition which will be held during the Montana Wool Growers Convention held in Billings on December 2nd and 3rd.

4-H members are encouraged to participate in both the MIWW contest as well as their 4-H contests.

Entry forms and brochures are available at the Chouteau County Extension Office or you can contact the District 3 Director: Janet Smith, 406-799-7003 or

To learn more, contact Janell at the Chouteau County Extension Office at 622-3036, or in the green building next to the Chouteau County Courthouse at 1308 Franklin St in Fort Benton.

Follow us on Facebook @ChouteauCountyExtension to keep up to date on what is happening in Chouteau County Extension and 4-H.

Montana State University, US Department of Agriculture and Montana Counties Cooperating. MSU Extension is an equal opportunity/affirmative action provider of educational outreach.