Letter to the Editor

Dear friends and neighbors,

I have placed an ad in the Mountaineer promoting what I have called an “America Rally” in Big Sandy on Friday evening, September 18th. Let me explain my rationale.

First, the public health restrictions imposed by the pandemic has caused our usual civic and patriotic gatherings to be canceled. Memorial Day observances were canceled. July 4th observances were more private and quiet. The fall Chile Feed event was called off by the fire department. Many of us are just itching to get together with neighbors, observing safe public health protocols as we do so.

Second, many of us have become very distressed by the violence and civil unrest in some parts of the nation and want to demonstrate how love of country can bring us together. Even as we recognize injustices and need to be willing to address them, and even as we recognize and honor those who keep the peace in our communities, we come together as one nation out of many people (e pluribus unum).

So you are invited to come out on Friday, September 18th between 5:30 and dark to parade down Main Street, cruise past the nursing home, meet in the park, walk the sidewalks, visit with your neighbors, listen to or sing patriotic songs, and share some patriotic goodwill. The only thing asked of you beyond being simply civil is SHOW THE FLAG. (Be creative and over the top.) You may also want to show support for the candidates of your choosing. We can get along even if we don’t always go along with each other. We are Americans all.

This whole event is going to be very loosely organized. If you have a song to sing, get it ready. If you have a vehicle (any kind or size of vehicle from horses to bikes to trucks to cars to wagons to combines) to decorate, get started. Order or buy your flags now. Plan your picnic in the park, in your vehicle, or out of your tailgate. Or eat and drink at the local taverns and support them. Just show!

Please help us get the word out!

If you have any suggestions or questions, please feel free to contact me at (406) 680-7080.

See you there!

Thank God for America

Rich Jespersen (a committee of one)

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