Letter to the Editor

The Big Sandy Medical Center (BSMC) has remained a cornerstone business and healthcare provider for the Big Sandy community and surrounding area since its doors opened in 1965 and expanded to add the long-term care facility in 1985. Big Sandy Medical Center employs more than 50 people.

Take a look at what the Big Sandy Medical Center has to offer our area.

• Medical Clinic

• Physician Assistant

• Nurse Practitioner

• Physical Therapist and Assistant

• Routine and wellness care

• Pediatric care

• Sports physicals

• Laboratory services

• X-ray services

• Houses a dental office

• Long-term care beds

• Emergency room for accidents and urgent care

• Coordinates with the voluntary EMT’s

Each year the facility gets older with updates and repairs needed. In 1989 the Big Sandy Hospital Tax District was established to help offset some of the costs of operating and maintaining the facility. The mill levy was set at 8.1 mills. That is less than 1.5% of your total tax bill. This mill levy rate is similar to the mills for the cemetery and the bridge and ferry.

With higher costs to provide services, the BSMC Board of Directors and Big Sandy Hospital Tax District Board are requesting an additional mill levy of 8.12 for 5 years. Taxes for the hospital have never been increased since the first mill levy was put in place 31 years ago. During this time, inflation has increased about 113%. This additional mill levy would be an increase of approximately $10.97 for an $100,00 house.

Without the Clinic and Hospital, Big Sandy residents would be forced to travel to Havre, Fort Benton, Great Falls or even farther to receive any kind of health care. Accidents happen. Farming is one of the most dangerous occupations. Without the Clinic and Hospital, a 35-80 mile trip would be needed to care for accident victims. The extra time for this travel could mean the difference between life and death.

The new mill levy will be a significant help, but it will not be the total answer to the financial needs. It will take a combination of carefully managing resources and strategic planning to see Big Sandy Medical Center through the next few years.

Big Sandy has watched so many local businesses close over the last few years and cannot lose another. In the past our community has pulled together for the greater good of the community and accomplished feats unheard of in much larger communities. We are asking for your help to protect the future of one of our greatest assets and largest employers.

Big Sandy Medical Center was built by the community for the community. It has remained independently operated because of community support. BSMC is your medical center.

Please vote YES for the new mill levy.

Big Sandy Medical Center Board

Big Sandy Hospital Tax District Board

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