Green Acres

Information for this article was written by Rachel Endecott, previous MSU Extension Beef Cattle Specialist. Successful vaccination depends on three critical factors: an effective vaccine, a functioning immune system, and administration of the vaccine before exposure to the disease.

Some tips for effective vaccination include:

• Read and follow label directions. If you are unsure, consult your veterinarian or call the vaccine company directly before using the product.

• Sterilize equipment between uses. Modified live vaccines (MLV) are sensitive to disinfectants, so do not use chemical disinfectants in syringes or needles for MLV use.

• Refrigerate and store vaccines as directed on the label. Be sure appropriate temperatures for the vaccine are maintained when they are away from the refrigerator.

• Keep vaccines out of sunlight, even when in the syringe.

• Mark syringes to avoid mixing or incorrect dosage.

• Mix only enough vaccine to be used in one hour or less.

• Choose correct needles for the job, and replace often. Needle size should range from 16-18 gauge and one-half to three-quarter inches long.

• Keep records of vaccinations used.

• Good sanitation, management and nutritional practices are necessary to achieve the best results from vaccination programs.

• Dirty and dull needles will cause excess irritation and increase the chance of an abscess. As a result, blemishes result at the site of injection. Processing plants trim and discard blemishes resulting in two or more steaks being thrown into the non-edible tub.

• To avoid blemishes at the site of injection, it is recommended to do a subcutaneous (under the skin) injection so the abscess does not develop in the meat. In addition, injections should be made in the neck to eliminate blemishes in high value cuts.

• 10 ml or less is recommended per injection site. Additional injections should be spaced 4 inches apart.

• Avoid injecting a damp or wet animal.

Montana State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Montana Counties Cooperating. MSU Extension is an equal opportunity/affirmative action provider of educational outreach.

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