From Alumni to teacher, Shersteen Cline

"I kinda just fell into this job, But I ended up really loving it, so I stuck with it," Shersteen Cline explained in response to my question about whether or not she'd grown up wanting to be a teacher. The Big Sandy native, daughter of Shane and Ruth Ann Cline, graduated from high school in our town before heading off to Missoula to study Biology. "I really loved science when I was going to High School, so I went in that direction," she explained. She wasn't sure what exactly she would do with her degree, though she assumed that she would go into medical research or some other related vocation. After a year of college, she transferred to Montana Tech, where she completed her studies. She also played volleyball for the school team. "I played for Butte Montana Tech in college. And then I got a coaching job in Nashua," she explained. Nashua was looking for a Volleyball coach, and they had an opening for a science teacher. Shersteen had a strong background in both, so she applied and got the teaching position and was hired. "They offered me the position, and it stuck." She has taken online courses through "Northern and Western and wherever else I could" to earn her teaching endorsement.

Coaching volleyball has been a great opportunity for Shersteen, who loves the game and continues to play. "I've been coaching volleyball for the last 7 years, Junior High and Varsity here for a few years before Brittany took over. I've played city league in Havre and intermurals in Missoula. Then I transferred to Tech to play volleyball." She explained that coaching has been a good way to keep the sport she loves in her life.

After two years of working in Nashua, "...this position was just opening up. Mrs. Pokorny was retiring. And so my mom kinda mentioned it to me. 'They're looking for a teacher. Why don't you go interview?' And so I did, and here I am." She explained that she was a little wary about coming back to Big Sandy to live, but then she reasoned that this was her home, and the people here are kind. She explained that the move back to our area has "been good" as a result. "I really enjoy it. The staff is great. There's a super helpful administration when you have questions. The community is great."

Now, 5 years into her position in Big Sandy, Shersteen is coaching and teaching Big Sandy High School's business courses: publications, business math, computers, and personal finance. "A little bit of everything."

She sees her current work as a long-term thing for her and her family, having recently purchased a home in Fort Benton with her boyfriend of 3 years, Toren Andreasen. She met Toren through a mutual friend while she was playing in volleyball in Havre's city league. He was attending Northern and now farms outside of Fort Benton. The couple had a daughter, Delaney, a year and a half ago. "I love being a mom! Watching her grow and change every day. Become her own little person. So, it's been exciting."

For fun, Shirsteen plays (and coaches) volleyball. She also loves photography, usually landscapes, though she took senior pictures for her sister and brother recently. She also loves anything active, like camping, fishing, and outdoorsy stuff. As of late, being a mom has absorbed much of her time, which has limited her hobbies. Between spending time with her daughter, coaching, and online classes, she hasn't had a lot of time for anything else. She goes on a lot of walks with her daughter, using the time to listen to audiobooks and podcasts. She is a fan of the True Crimes Podcast. She mentioned that she enjoys listening to the book "The Five Love Languages" and other similar books.

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