This article was written by Dennis Cash, retired MSU Extension Service forage specialist. The winter feeding is likely your single largest ranch expense. Reducing hay waste can save you money. Hay losses at feeding on most ranches averages about one fourth, but can easily approach half.
During good haying conditions and with proper storage, most losses to alfalfa or alfalfa-grass hays can be minimized. Dense large round or rectangular bales are widely used, but significant losses occur when these are stacked in the open. Hay sheds and tarps are not widely popular in Montana due to their expense or nuisance. A few cash hay producers utilize sheds and tarps not willing to sacrifice 20% of their hay crop or risk spoilage.
Dry matter losses of hay from field to feeding (Anderson and Mader):
Swathing with conditioner = 5% average
Raking = 10% average
Plant respiration = 5% average
Baling, % of windrow = 5% average
Outside Storing, % of stack = 15% average
Inside Storing, % stack = 5% average
Stack Transporting hay = 3% average
Fed in feed rack, % of stack or bale = 5% average
Fed on ground, % of stack or bale = 15% average
Total % of original standing crop = 35% average
For alfalfa hay, the losses in forage nutrient quality may be even more extreme due to leaf shatter and loss. Hay losses can range as high as 45% when unrolling and feeding round bales on the ground. Losses are due to trampling, over consumption, and fouling of the hay from manure or urine. Bale feeders or racks can usually be cost effective if you have the equipment and patience to use them. Significant losses occur when cows have 24/7 access to hay. Dry, pregnant mature cows will eat 20 to 30% more hay than their daily needs if they are unrestricted, plus waste increases.
Reference: “Management to Minimize Hay Waste” by Bruce Anderson and Terry Mader (University of Nebraska Extension Specialists) available in Great Plains Extension Beef Cow-Calf Handbook MT1328, CL328).