City Council Finalizes Plans for Junk Ordinance

The sheriff deputy was not present to report at the lasts City Council meeting held on January 7, 2021.

KLJ was not present at the meeting, but they have information concerning grants for trails if Rotary was interested in pursuing them.

It was noted that the Community Improvement Plan needs to be updated. The city is planning on updating this document and wants the residence to participate. They aren't sure how this will be done but be watching so you can add your thoughts. Mayor Schwarzbach said the last time this was done there was a number of good ideas to follow up on, so he is looking forward to the new ideas that will be presented.

The discussion turned to the Brownfield opportunity at the Montana Motel downtown. The owners, Jeff Myers Family Trust, have been contacted. The city council will be asking them for permission to have a walk through the building to determine the Environmental Assessment. This needs to be done before any decisions about the building can be finalized.

Big Sandy has hired a new lawyer, Jennifer Forsyth from Hi-Line Law. They will be billing their services by the hour and not on a monthly contract.

The old city Junk Ordinance was discussed, and final steps on how to implement the ordinance were finalized. It was noted they have talked to the County Sanitarian and the County Attorney about the legality of the Junk Ordinance and how best to proceed.

Several city lights are not working, and Mayor Shaud Schwarzbach

will be calling asking they maintain the lights in town better than they have in the past.

It was also noted that more gravel is coming to town enough to create a "good layer."

The next meeting will be on February 4 or the 11th. You can attend the meeting by zoom. Information concerning how will be published one week prior.

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