Covid Up Date - New Recommendedations

There is a light at the end of this pandemic tunnel. People all over the county are receiving Covid 19 vaccines. To date the Chouteau County Health Department has given over 800 doses of the vaccine with approximately 300 people fully vaccinated (two doses 28 days apart). We are giving the Moderna vaccine which is suitable for anyone over 18, two weeks after the second shot people should be on average 94.1% immune to the current strain of Covid 19. Vaccines are currently available through the Chouteau County Health Department where you can be put on a list to receive vaccine when you are eligible by current guidelines, call 622-3771 to be placed on this list. The Big Sandy Pharmacy will also be receiving vaccine in the near future and will be providing doses to Big Sandy residents.

Please be aware that cancelling or rescheduling a vaccine appointment makes it very difficult for the staff at the health department as once a vial of vaccine has been opened it must be used within six hours or thrown away. Vaccine clinics are carefully scheduled to use every dose of vaccine each time and having to reschedule doses causes a ripple effect on our vaccine use. We have managed to use every dose of vaccine allocated to us to date with no waste due to the diligent and balletic scheduling efforts of our staff. Our county has been designated to receive approximately 100 doses of vaccine per week and we are working our way through our list of Phase 1B recipients. We will begin on Phase 1C as soon as allowed by State DPHHS.

While there are new strains appearing around the world there is not enough data yet to determine if this vaccine will convey any immunity to variant strains. Currently the CDC recommends people fully vaccinated still continue to practice social distancing, hand washing, not touching eyes nose and mouth and wearing a mask. These recommendations may relax when more data is available on the possibility of transmission by a vaccinated person to an unvaccinated person.

As of February 10, 2021 the CDC updated their recommendations for quarantine among fully vaccinated people exposed to a person with active infection with Covid 19. These recommendations state that persons who are fully vaccinated (2 shots, 28 days apart, at least two weeks ago) do not need to quarantine. They still recommend that these individuals watch for signs and symptoms of Covid 19 for 14 days following exposure and practice all safety recommendations.

Governor Gianforte’s first press conference he stated “I choose to wear a mask and I encourage others to do the same as a way to show respect and care for the people around us.” Despite his admonition that we should lead by example and wear masks; Governor Gianforte is expected to remove the state wide mask mandate in the near future, the Chouteau County Health Department is working with the Board of Health to determine what the recommendation will be about the county wide mask requirement.

The county has 14 active cases with 29 people in quarantine and two people hospitalized but doing well.

In a world where science is moving at a record pace things change frequently, we are working hard to keep up with current discoveries and recommendations but don’t get frustrated if things change on what sometimes seems like a daily basis. Keep up the good fight and work to protect yourself, your family and your neighbors and look to the light at the end of the tunnel. We thank everyone for their support.

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