Albert & Mary Bold Scholarship of $600 will be awarded to a member of the Big Sandy community who is obtaining a degree in nursing or a medical science. The recipient must demonstrate a strong moral character, be a member of the Big Sandy community, have a grade point average in the top 50% of his/her class, and be pursuing a medical major at a 4-year college institution.

Request a copy of the Student Application Criteria from the Big Sandy Medical Center Administrator, Leah Griffith or from the Big Sandy High School Counselor, Christine Brumwell.

Big Sandy Medical Services Foundation would like to remind high school seniors and college students who are pursuing a medical career that the deadline for their scholarship applications is March 31, 2021. For the 2021-2022 college year, up to three $300 scholarships will be awarded.

Applications may be picked up either at the high school by contacting Mrs. Christine Brumwell or by writing: Big Sandy Medical Services Foundation, PO Box 530, Big Sandy MT 59520. You may also call 378-2163 and ask Nora Grubb, Secretary.

College students who have applied and received this scholarship in the past need only submit a letter to the above address requesting consideration for this year’s scholarship. The letter must state what school they are attending, a copy of their most recent grades, and a statement concerning what their career goals and objectives are.