Rotary Banquet will be April 24

The annual Rotary banquet will be held on Saturday, April 24 at 6:00 in the Big Sandy High School gymnasium. The theme this year is Camelot, so join us in your finest royalty attire. Tickets are $100 again, which includes 2 prime rib dinners and entry into the top 10 prizes and grand door prize. The top prizes this year will be:

1. $3,000 Grand Prize – Big Sandy Rotary Club

2. $1,000 gift certificate to North Forty – Cash Sponsors

3. 20 yards of gravel - Genereux Gravel

4. Big Screen TV – Cash Sponsors

5. Covered Swing – Cash Sponsors

6. Garden Wagon with a gardening gift certificate -

7. Cuisinart Air Fryer/Toaster Oven with accessories – Milk River Insurance Alex Thornton

8. Pit Boss Smoker – Cash Sponsors

9. I Romba vacuum – Cash Sponsors

10. Stocked Wine Fridge – Cash Sponsors

There will also be some exciting games such as The Safe Game (Win a safe and its contents), Sword in the Stone (a chance to win $500), and The Punch Game (everyone wins something!). As always, you can look forward to the Heads or Tails game and 50/50 drawings, along with raffles and silent auction items. The grand door prize is still to be determined.

Social distancing and masks will be encouraged, and sanitation stations will be in place. Dinners will also be available for pick up if you’d like to stay home this year but still enjoy the meal. If you choose this option, please contact Rhonda Works at 788-7526 no later than Tuesday, April 20 to make reservations. The banquet will be broadcast on NFHS for those choosing to stay home, as well.

If you’re interested in joining the fun, please see a Rotary member for a ticket!

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