Big Sandy Medical Center ; A Small Parade-Priceless

Nothing is nobler than having a parade just for the joy of the residence of Big Sandy Medical Center. The joy it brings to our community's seniors is well worth the few minutes to walk three blocks. The length of the parade doesn't measure the value of the parade.

According to research, "The longest parade in the world is the Hanover Schützenfest that takes place in Hanover every year during the Schützenfest. The parade is 7.5 miles long with more than 12,000 participants from all over the world, among them more than 100 bands and around 70 floats and carriages."

"The word Parade comes to English from the French and refers to a "pompous show" rather than a public procession." This surely doesn't fit Big Sandy'attempt to honor its seniors.

"And the original English-language parades did indeed require preparation. When the English started using the word parade in the mid-1600s, it referred-as it did and does in French-to a pompous show, an exhibition. (The French have continued to use the word that gave us parade to refer to a pompous show. For public processions they use défilé.) The use was still common in the 19th century:"

Our small parade started at the Catholic Church before they walked past the Methodist church, turning right past the Big Sandy Medical center, a total of three blocks. It was fun to watch their faces as the little preschool children drove by in their electric riding machines.

One of the hits was a puppy who wanted to free himself from the leash and go over to all the waiting residence.

It was funny to see a few grade school children outside the Mountaineer waiting for candy to be thrown from a parade that would never reach them. They had to be told it wasn't that kind of parade.

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