Big Sandy Methodist Church-A time of change

"For everything there is a season"-Ecclesiastes 3;1 All through our lives there are seasons. Happy, sad, challenging, many kinds of seasons. The Methodist Church of Big Sandy is going through such a season. We are in the middle of change, and with this change comes sadness. We are losing our lay-pastor, Laverna McGrew. Laverna will hold her last service with us on June 13. We have come to rely on Laverna each Sunday, and she has faithfully driven each Sunday from Havre to lead our services. Laverna's husband, Mac, has been a pastor for Van Orsdel United Methodist in Havre. It would have been much easier for Laverna to stay in Havre on Sundays, but instead, she took the challenge of being our lay pastor driving alone to Big Sandy!

The McGrews arrived in Havre in February 2017. They had been in three previous ministerial positions before arriving in Havre. When they arrived, Mac was to serve Van Orsdel United Methodist Church and the care home. When the position of pastor opened in Big Sandy Methodist, Mac felt it was going to be too much to serve three places. At this point, he turned to Laverna and said, " You know you could do this!" It struck Laverna that, yes, she could, and with Mac's support, she did! I discussed what she has thought of her role in our church here in Big Sandy. Laverna smiled and said she has just loved it! She can't pinpoint one thing, in particular, she has enjoyed most, but she has appreciated getting to know everyone in the congregation. She has especially loved when we gathered for our amazing potlucks, and we could get to know each other on a more personal level. We, the congregation, also looked forward to the potlucks. We got to know Laverna in turn and spent quality time with other members of the congregation. Did I mention all the women at the Methodist church are great cooks? We share many memories with Laverna in her years with us, memories that will stay with us after; sadly, she has moved on to another state and another church.

Mac and Laverna have decided to retire. It's a decision that is bitter-sweet. Laverna is looking forward to her new home in Rio Rancho, New Mexico. She loves the milder winters and is thrilled with the larger kitchen that awaits her. She loves to 'mess around' in the kitchen and knows now she will have the time to do so. The bitter part is leaving the many people of whom she has grown fond. We, the congregation, are also saddened. A new season to be sure. After a discussion with Laverna, we decided the best way to say farewell would be to hold a potluck. An opportunity to share our food one last time. A chance to talk about our lives one last time. So Laverna's last Sunday with us will contain a potluck directly after church on June 13. The congregation will be presenting her with a card and money with which we hope she can buy something for her new home that will remind her of us in the Big Sandy Methodist church. The UMW members ( United Methodist Women) are also gifting Laverna with a card and money for a special purchase.

We wish you the best retirement possible with good health and good times. Part of you will always be here with us, Laverna, and you will be greatly missed. Thank you for sticking with us through thick, thin ice, snow, and Covid. A job well done and well appreciated. The Big Sandy Congregation wishes you Godspeed Mac and Laverna.