Massive storm hits Big Sandy

At press time Monday, it was hard to verify rumors. However, the storm that hit Big Sandy Sunday evening was devastating. You don't need to confirm when your eyes clearly show the damage.

No one was killed, but there were two ambulance runs due to the storm. One at least was very serious. Shane Chauvet wrote on his Facebook account, " A severe storm blew a 5-foot steel culvert into the 'Roxor' ( 4-wheel side by side) we were driving on our way home through the field. It was the amazing and skilled care of the Big Sandy Medical Center Staff and Big Sandy Ambulance crew that our outcome looks as hopeful as it does. I sustained a very severe injury to my left arm that underwent surgery last night. A hand specialist will do follow-up surgery hopefully this week to repair nerves and tendons." He goes on to say all the medical staff that worked with him Sunday night saved his life.

While driving to town, I saw pieces of buildings lying around on the summer fields. Acres and acres of grain were destroyed. Austin Genereux put some videos on Facebook about the destruction of the pasture land. Thousands of acres of foot tall grass had not been grazed yet this year that was mowed down where only dirt remained at places.

Stubs of power polls are totally eaten away by hail. Several new power poles down, and if not the poles weren't down, the power lines were gone.

All over buildings were destroyed. There were trees all over town down, maybe more trees than ever. And yet tall old dead trees still stand.

The siding was destroyed by hail making huge holes in the siding caused by the size and force of the wind; siding was stripped away from the building. The grade school roof received damage.

Shane ends his Facebook notice by saying, take time to hug your loved ones.

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