Liana Heimbigner starts new school year as Head Cook

With the start of a new year for Big Sandy Schools, there has been a staff change that will be noticed by students and staff at every level: Lianna Ophus Heimbigner is the new head cook for the school system. She takes on the position after Kelly Pursley Owen took a job as head cook for a school in Havre. Lianna is going into her 5th year with the school in Big Sandy. She is following in the footsteps of her great grandmother, Pearl Ophus, who was a cook in the Big Sandy schools during the 60s and early 70s.

"At first, it was a shock, of course, but I'm going to do my best at getting organized and getting the kids involved with what they like and don't like," Lianna explained. "I got with the principal, Heather Wolery, and collaborated with her. She sent out an email last week. We want the kids' participation in their five favorite foods in each of the food groups. Like fruits, main entrees, cereals, and breakfast items. That way, we know what they'll eat, and we can gear the menu towards that. We won't have as much thrown away, which would help our costs." She explained that the strategy is popular with small schools looking for ways to reduce costs through cutting waste. She first encountered the idea through contact with other kitchen staff at a food show. "I went to the food show in Great Falls and heard that other small schools are doing the same thing. They polled their kids on what their favorite things are so they could condense their menu down and serve what they'll actually eat. This helped cut down on waste and extra cost."

Lianna is also looking to cross train the kitchen staff to ease the burden when staff take sick days "Lauretta Labuda is my right-hand lady here in the kitchen, and we are going to swap off every month or so and cross train. I'll bake and do desserts, so if either of us is ever gone, we know what the other is doing." Other changes that are coming include adding a couple of desserts to the monthly menu and some new recipes to the cookbook in an effort to find meals the kids will eat. She is also looking to tweak some recipes to see if she can increase the popularity of various options. "We'll get ideas for new snacks at the grade school. Hopefully, that poll will help us determine what the most popular choices are so we know to keep more of those things on hand. We're trying to keep the kids fed and happy."

Lianna has enjoyed her time working for the school, particularly "The smell of the food cooking, like cinnamon rolls. Lauretta does an awesome job with that. The fresh baked buns that she does once or twice a week are awesome. The smell of the kitchen is awesome. The kids coming through the lunch

line is another. Their smiles, their giggles, their comments... the old adage is that 'Kids say the darnedest things,' yes they do."

Going into the new year, the biggest challenge seems to be filling the open staff position in the kitchen, a problem that is affecting more than a few area businesses. "We have two people in line, but they haven't come in for applications. I am hoping to talk to them next week. We'll just see what happens..." Until the position is filled, the kitchen will rely on substitute workers. "We just hope nobody gets sick. We have some backup we can call in. A couple of the previous ladies who worked in the kitchen said to call them, and if they're available, they'll come in." Regarding the opening, Lianna explains that "The biggest plus is, if you have kids in school, you get to see them. It kinda coincides with the kids' schedule. Of course, we get in at 6. If we have a third person, they don't have to be in at 6. So they can come in at 7:30 after dropping their kids off. Then they get off at 2ish depending on busyness of the day, and if we can get everything done on time. They'll have an hour or two by themselves before the kids get home..." She even expressed a willingness to be flexible with applicants scheduling in order to hire a third kitchen staff.

Regarding the coming year in a new position, Lianna energized by the new challenges: "I am hoping to have an exciting and successful year, but it's gonna take the kids' input to let us know and keep things positive. It'll be fun."

The entire Big Sandy School System is experiencing worker shortages at this time. On top of the full time kitchen opening, they are looking to fill a janitor position. They also need more substitute teachers and have needed bus drivers for several years.

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