Erik is fundraising for kids' cancer research

A couple of months ago, I wrote an article about my upcoming participation in the Great Cycle Challenge. I am about a week away from finishing my fourth year of riding in the largest cycling event in the United States to raise money for fighting kids' cancer. I committed to raising $500 and riding 200 miles during the month of September. So far, I am about halfway through my miles and have nearly reached my goal for fundraising. Though I have almost cleared my goal, that doesn't need to be the end of my fundraising efforts. I really appreciate the folks who have contributed so far. I wanted to take a moment to ask my friends and neighbors who haven't helped to consider helping this worthy cause. On average, 38 kids die from cancer every week in the United States. This fundraiser, which has raised $40 million in the last 6 years, supports the Children Cancer Research Fund (CCRF). CCRF works to develop better treatments and the search for a cure. Only 4% of federal funding cancer research is dedicated to children's cancer, so private support is a huge deal. If you're interested in contributing to help in this fight, please visit my Facebook page (or the Big Sandy Yard Sale page or the Big Sandy Needs page). Or if you're not on Facebook, you can go to my page on the Great Cycle Challenge website: I would love to raise more to help more. Please help out. If you're interested in joining me next year for the fundraiser, let me know. We can help in this fight together. Thanks to everyone who has helped out. I appreciate it.