Update on 60's Class get together

Some alumni felt that 2025 was a bit too far to see fellow classmates. Way back in March of this year a plan was hatched by Sharon Broesder Casey (class of 64) for a gathering on Chili Feed weekend.

They are still planning to attend the Chili Feed, Friday, October 8th. On Saturday, October 9th the Senior Center will open at 9 a.m. for friends and family to gather, visit and reminisce the day away. Cow Patti’s food truck will NOT be available as once planned.

This is not and exclusive Sixties party. Come visit. 50’s, and 70’s come on down and spend the day.

Call Dianna Webster 378-2200, Glenn Ophus 378-3185, or Amy Sibra 378-2490 if you have any questions.

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