Big advancements at Big Sandy Medical Center

Big Sandy Medical Center (BSMC) is excited to share our news. Check out our website @ and follow us on Facebook to get more timely information and updates. You may also attend a monthly Board of Directors meeting; they are open to the public and held in the basement meeting area every third Thursday at 5:30pm (subject to change). The BSMC Annual Member meeting will be Thursday, November 18th at 7:00pm. That also happens to be National Rural Health Day. Hope to see you there!

COVID UPDATE: COVID-19 continues to influence our daily operations. Utilizing Provider Relief Funds (PRF), BSMC has been able to make purchases and plans to maintain the facility in proper working order. One major project has been maintenance to the fire sprinkler system by Johnson Control Fire Protection. The project is currently about ten weeks in and will end with a fully up-to-code, optimal-functioning fire sprinkler system throughout the facility. Our boilers will be replaced this month by Jones Plumbing. This has been a project on our radar for years as our current boilers are decades old and becoming more and more difficult to maintain. Another significant area that needed a facelift were the sidewalks. Thanks to Mark Ostrom/Prairie Sage Construction and crew, COVID funds, and the Lippard-Clawiter Foundation, that project was completed earlier this year and looks beautiful as well as being much safer.

BSMC made several large purchases that will help expand and add services. The purchase of a Canon CT machine was part of the strategic plan to expand services and provide quality diagnostic testing. Where to put it is in the works! In addition to the CT, BSMC paid for a new generator through TW Enterprises that will accommodate the entire facility; right now, only certain areas and outlets are "on" the generator. That too will need a place to "live" outside. The building at 164 McNamara Ave. will be used to expand Physical Therapy services and offer additional services and activities all under the umbrella of a "BSMC Wellness and Rehab Center." BSMC is conducting a pilot program with its employees for a BSMC Wellness Program and plans to roll that out to the community very soon.

Several of BSMC's less expensive uses of PRF are new door reader/key card entry into the building for employees; negative pressure room to care for patients with certain infectious diseases; nurses' station remodel; kitchen walk-in freezer; patient beds; lab equipment and appliances; van to transport patients; flooring throughout the facility; and a used tractor for mowing and snow removal.

Perhaps the MOST important use of those funds went to the BSMC employees in the form of hazard pay. The Board approved a total of more than $265,000 in hazard pay to the employees earlier this year. This did not come close to showing the appreciation they deserve for their hard work and dedication not only during this time but always. BSMC is thankful for each and every one of them and encourage the community to recognize their excellence.

COVID PRACTICES: BSMC employees continue to follow strict masking requirements, mandatory symptom reporting, and infection control practices to ensure the health and safety of one another and our patients. The public is expected to do the same when entering the facility, which is part of BSMC's visitation rules. Visitation times and spaces are extremely limited so must be pre-scheduled, held in designated areas, and masks must be worn. Call Lisa Sipler at 378-2188, ext. 3924, to schedule a visit. As long as everyone abides by the rules, we hope to continue allowing visitation, especially with the holidays around the corner! BSMC also asks the community to stay home if ill and call before coming to the facility. That helps us be more prepared to care for you in the best way possible while keeping staff and other patients well.

ADDITIONAL SERVICES: BSMC is proud to offer Chiropractic services through our Rural Health Clinic.

Patrick Kadrmas is available for appointments on Mondays and Tuesdays. Please call the Clinic at 378-2189 for more information and to schedule an appointment with Pat! Another new service that just launched on September 28th is emergency mental health via telehealth. BMSC has partnered with Frontier Psychiatry OnCall to assist in crisis situations through the emergency department. Our medical staff will assist in connecting patients with a physician through telehealth; so they get the care when it's needed most.

AT YOUR SERVICE: The BSMC Board and Administration encourages patients and guarantors to ask questions and seek advice regarding billing statements. We recognize there are still areas we can do better and are improving internal processes to address them. Better customer satisfaction is our goal; your feedback will help us reach that. BSMC does have a patient portal where patients can review their records and pay online. An email address is needed to initiate access; simply provide it at registration or by calling the Business Office. Another way the community can assist BSMC in improving quality and achieving its mission is to complete the Community Health Needs Assessment survey, which will be mailed to area residents within the next month. This is an important part of BSMC's strategic planning process and combined effort with other local stakeholders, like the pharmacy, schools, religious groups, and others, toaddress the health needs of the community overall.


- Monthly Board of Directors meeting – October 21st @ 5:30pm

- Halloween at BSMC – October 28th

- BSMC Annual Member meeting – November 18th @ 7:00pm

- National Rural Health Day – November 18th

THANK YOU! Thank you for your continued support of BSMC through various means. The BSMC Medical Guild, Big Sandy Medical Services Foundation, and Big Sandy Hospital Tax District Boards are amazing groups of people that know the vitality of BSMC is so important to the community and surrounding area. The Guild and Foundation have joined BSMC's 21-22 fundraising campaign to complete much-overdue renovations to the kitchen. We thank you. Thank you to Shane Chauvet and family for the recent, truly amazing gift of auction funds towards our emergency room and the volunteer ambulance who works as a team with our medical staff every day. Thank you for what you do! Finally, thank you to the Big Sandy community! BSMC was built by you, for you and, thanks to you, will continue caring for you for years to come.

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