Council discusses current events

Big Sandy City Council met for their regular meeting on October 14 at 7:00 p.m.

The Big Sandy Pool continues to raise funds. However, some of the more substantial funding needs to have a non-profit status to give to before they can give to the project. This will be worked on in the future. Also, auditors requested the funds be set up in a different, more efficient way. There was one question about why we aren’t planning an indoor pool. And the most straightforward answer is we can’t afford an indoor pool.

KLJ was present to answer any questions concerning the Storm Drain project; Chuck Williams reviewed the summary that citizens might have missed at the 6:30 meeting the same night. He mentioned they are working with Triangle Telephone to find a path through the fiberoptics under the street.

A CDBG grant was applied for to help improve city hall. The grant is COVID-19 funded. The funding is designed to help make city hall safer by using the backroom for safer meetings. Audio-video equipment was applied for as well in this grant. This is a $188,000 upgrade if the grant is approved.

Heather Dilworth was at the meeting requesting the city approve the use of the downtown street for another Trunk or Treat again this Halloween to be held on Sunday, October 31. The street will be closed off, and the food truck will again be present. Watch for more information.

The Booster club would like to place a sign showing where to turn to get to the Big Sandy High School. The council approved it but stated that the Montana State Highway Dept. would also need to approve the sign along the highway.

The city council will have a work meeting on November 4 to discuss the Junk ordinance, after which they will have a city-wide meeting before it is voted on and goes into effect. Someone wanted to know what the rules were concerning parking along the street, so that will be reviewed as well.

The Old Hotel is Brown Field site, but Bear Paw Development cannot apply for more funds till next year. They currently have enough for an 2nd Assessment. Rich reported the owner wants to deed it over the town. The Big Sandy Hotel has had a phase one assessment which determined it does have hazardous material. A Phase 2 Assessment uses grant funds to send samples to be tested in 2022, and Phase 3 will be a clean-up grant in 2023. There is a cost-share when using the Phase 3 grant, but it allows for in-kind contributions. The town voted to accept the title of the Hotel.

During the Public Works committee report, Lorrie Merrill said she would ask businesses along the street if they want their sewers to have a camera assessment of their sewer viability before the street is resurfaced during the Strom Drain project.