Food Bank Trick-or -Treating Drive, Oct. 20

With Halloween fast approaching, an annual Big Sandy trick-or-treating tradition is approaching: the youth group food drive. This Wednesday, October 20th the youth groups of Big Sandy Church of God and Christ Lutheran Church will be going door to door around town collecting food stuffs for the Big Sandy Food Bank. Trick-or-treating will take place between 7 and 8 PM with kids going out in small groups. If you are interested in donating, you can wait for students to ring your doorbell or leave food on your porch in a box with the light on for collection. Because Big Sandy is a large enough town to make visiting every home in town difficult, you can ensure your donation is picked up by calling or texting Jeramie Erie at 406-945-7411. You can also drop your donation off at either church before or after the collection times. If the drive misses you this Wednesday, you can contact Jeramie to arrange pick up at a later date. This applies to arranging drop offs from out of town families as well.

As in years past, the Church of God youth will be focusing on the houses west of highway. Christ Lutheran youth will be trick-or-treating for food bank donations on the east side of the highway.

The Big Sandy Food Bank is serving more people now than every before and is always in need of community support. Please donate food that isn’t expired. Any type of food is appropriate for donation, but there is a constant need for cereal, spaghetti and other pasta sauces, canned fruit, soups, beans, chili, chicken noodle/cream of; mushroom; stew; chili Tomatoes-diced, chopped, stewed, paste, sauce Olives Juice-OJ, Apple, tang, lemonade, Instant potatoes, stuffing, sweet potatoes, Pie filling-pumpkin, Apple, cherry, and pepper

If you’d like to support the food bank but do not wish to give to the food drive, you can donate cash to the Food Bank’s account at The Grocery Store.

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