Pack the Place Pink raised money for local causes

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and the Ladies of the Pioneer Volleyball Team have raised $1900 with their Pink Night fundraiser. 6th grade teacher, Calista Worrall, explained: “October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. I think because it hit closer to home with Maryetta going through her battle with breast cancer we really wanted to do it right… The girls did all the work. They went to businesses and got donations, hung up flyers, decorated the gym. This was a big deal to them, and they were proud of their hard work. I know the totals surprised everyone, but in the same way, they didn’t. They know that they live in an amazing community that steps up when there is a need.”

Amaya Griffin explained the fundraiser evening: “It was for senior’s night… well parents night as well. We kinda just grouped it together with Pink Night because we wanted to support Maryetta. They decorated the gym. They put up pink things you can walk through at the beginning. The entrance to the locker room was decorated with pink ribbons…” The pink decorations for Breast Cancer Awareness Month were present for the game against Centerville. According to Amaya, the “Pink Night” fundraiser was extra large because everyone shows up for Parent’s Night, when the players’ names are read off with their parents’ names. It was also Senior’s Night when graduating players are recognized as well. The larger turnout made the event happen in a larger way than was typical. Amaya explained: “Everyone was going to be there for Parents’ night and it was Pink Night, so that made it so everyone participated in the donations and the auction… The entire crowd donated. It was all for Breast Cancer. We also had a silent auction in the concessions. The hospital and a bunch of companies donated. There were a lot of baskets out there.”

Amaya pointed out that other area schools have participated in Pink Night fundraisers this year: “This is the first time I’ve ever seen us do a Pink Night and a silent auction. I think it was kinda brought about because other teams were doing that. Centerville had a Pink Night, so did Northstar. They passed a basket around to the entire

crowd. That’s where we got the idea.”

Amaya pointed out that much of the effort was “…mainly because of Maryetta, because we knew that she was having her staff. That was our biggest person we were doing it for.”

Callista explained where the proceeds would go to help those fighting cancer: “We were able to raise just over $900 to give to Maryetta and a little over $1000 to give to the Chouteau County Cancer Support to help others that are dealing with cancer in our county. The town of Big Sandy really stepped up and made this a success, from donations of baskets to attending the game and bidding at the auction.”

Maryetta Engle responded to the Pink Day fundraiser: “I was really touched that they thought of me. I didn’t find out until the night of the game that they had chosen to make me the beneficiary of one of their fundraisers.”

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