Patching Cracks

I have been a Christian for around 30 years. The first pastor who influenced my life was Pastor Mike. He was a young guy who spent the time to explain the Bible to me and answer my questions. I believe that he is the reason I am working in the ministry today. Along the way, many other men have influenced me through their ministries. Pastor Jim was my first boss as a youth pastor. I believe I am better at what I do because of how he explained people, church culture, and all sorts of other things to me. Denver, Barney, Rich, and many other men of God have invested in me. I call some of these guys still today to ask for advice and guidance. They aren’t perfect men. That’s ok. None of them would claim to be. What matters is that they are men who God called to minister and who did so faithfully. God used them to help me know Him better. They helped me find my calling and purpose in life. October is Pastor Appreciation Month. I am not writing this seeking any appreciation or anything from Big Sandy. My church and this community has shown me love and grace for nearly a decade, and I appreciate it. I consider myself one of the most blessed men I know in this regard. Rather, I am writing to encourage folks to reach out and show love to their own ministers and people God used in their lives. It’s a difficult job and many ministers never hear about the impact they make on the lives of those they work with. It is worth the effort to bless those who have blessed you.

Beyond that, I want encourage folks to look at their lives today and ask themselves if they are in relationships with folks who can help them grow spiritually. Our culture bought into the idea that entertainment and financial security are all we need to have to be truly fulfilled. The value of being a part of a church community and interacting with a pastor regularly is that it provides us with guidance and training in the process of spiritual growth. The greatest blessings in my growth and development have come about as a result of a few men who invested time and effort into my life. I am a better husband, father, and friend because of the way that I have been invested in. For those folks who lack a pastor to appreciate this October, the presence of folks dedicated to investing in your life is valuable beyond description.