Big Sandy FFA had great success at fall events

On September 27, Big Sandy traveled to Sheridan, Montana and camped out at a forest service campground near Sheridan. The next day members participated in forestry, range, and livestock Judging. In Forestry, the team took fifth place overall and our top place individuals were Hunter Snapp who placed 9th, Amy Gasvoda who took 12th place, and Tavie Wortman who took 24th place out of 50 participants. In range, our senior team also placed fifth with our top individuals being Connor Sibra who placed 4th individually, Samuel Cox who placed 12th place, and Kaden Pursley who placed 20th out of 23 participants. Mattie Gasvoda was the only one who participated in senior livestock. In Junior Livestock, our team placed 19th and for many it was their first judging experience. Everyone had lots of fun.

On October 6, a group of twenty two Big Sandy

FFA members attended the Judith Basin Fall District range and livestock judging contest. 10 of the members participated in the junior livestock contest where we placed fourth out of thirteen teams. Out top individuals were Alex Worrall who placed 7th individually, Severin Heimbigner who placed 23rd, and Jayton Ophus who placed 50th out of 109 participants. In Senior Livestock, we had 5 participants and placed fifth as a team. Our top three individuals were Mattie Gasvoda who placed 17th, Lance Rutledge who placed 21st and Angie Sant who placed 25th out of 69 participants. In our senior Range team we had six sophomores participating and as a team we took first place. Our top three individuals were Connor Sibra who took first place, Christian Winderl who placed second, and Sam Cox who placed third out of twenty four kids. After the contest, we had the opportunity to tour the Northern Agricultural MSU research center where we learned about field testing of crops and livestock handling facilities and the livestock longevity research project.