Celebrating Thanksgiving in Big Sandy

Thanksgiving is mostly a time to eat with extended family members. People travel home to celebrate together. Traditionally every family has its meal. Gramma makes something; others make a salad, two or three pies are served. Usually, there are two types of cranberries, the real kind and the jelly kind. Mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, and homemade rolls are on the menu. We always make too much, so there can be lots of leftovers.

In Big Sandy, there have already been two Thanksgiving meals served. The lunch ladies at the FE Miley made a traditional Thanksgiving meal and served it with the help of teachers for everyone to eat.

The Senior Center served 60 Thanksgiving meals. It took four people to prepare that many Thanksgiving meals, including turkey, mashed potatoes from real potatoes, gravy, stuffing, green bean casserole, jellied cranberries, a vegetable tray, and a pie. A big meal. I ate there and was stuffed, so I didn't need to eat again that day. It was fun overhearing the people eating sounded a lot like any family. They were laughing and enjoying eating together, visiting about their day. Mentioning the same thing, I thought! "Wow, so much to eat!"

And although the senior center practices social distancing between tables, and safety precautions set up by the Chouteau County Health Department, it doesn't seem intrusive. Except you couldn't take your plates to the wash. It still feels funny to leave the dishes on the table.

Nancy Jappe won the Thanksgiving drawing.

According to Crystal Geyer, Director of the Senior Center, the cost of serving the dinner has gone up. Everything is more expensive. It's that time of year for all of us to consider a monetary gift to the organizations we feel serve an absolute service to our community. Crystal said, "Sometimes it's the only nutritional meal some people get."

Thanksgiving is a great time to thank the Senior Center and recognize everything it does for our community. Watch the Facebook page to see all the activities they have planned.

Poor Mrs. Peel

By Caroline Smith

There once was an old Mrs. Peel

Who cooked till her hands could not feel

A Thanksgiving feast!

One nap, at least.

Then she slept right through the meal.

See Page 3: Thanskgiving

A Thanksgiving Blessing

By Rick Cotton

It's cold outside, but it's warm in my heart.

And the gray fall sky is His work of art.

Laden and low, quiet and still,

November is welcome, and my eyes drink their fill

Of brown-gray grass and red-orange leaves,

Of pavement winding through the strong, stately trees.

Down the hill, past the barn, past the gate, up the lane,

The house with bright candles in each window pane.

Now I step inside; oh, it's warm! Oh, that smell!

Hot turkey roasting, potatoes done well!

Sweet, spicy cider, and warm winter wine

Cranberry sauce - Oh! - the flavors - divine!

The smiles and hugs are so warm and sweet.

In this cold gray November, a Thanksgiving treat.

I do love it all and am so thankful; yes,

For this lovely season...I am truly blessed.

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