Big Sandy Medical Center Annual Meeting held in November

There were 21 guests present at the Medical Center Annual Meeting, which was held at their new building across the street from the dining room and kitchen.

The audit was a clean audit with no journal entries.

Leah Griffin, CEO of the Big Sandy Medical Center, mentioned the BSMC Board of Directors entered into a contract with Cypress Healthcare at the direction of Leah Griffith, CEO, in February 2021. Cypress Healthcare provides consulting services to assist in the management of the facility. They met with the Board and Medical Staff in March 2021 to develop a strategic plan and have since guided the Board and Administration in making decisions based on that plan.

Her report also informed everyone on how they spent the COVID-19 relief funding, which needed spending within a specific timeline. Leah reported they used the funding for new flooring, a new fire suppression system, a CT machine, new boiler, new sidewalks, a key card entry system, a new nursing station, a walk-in freezer, a van, and a new van tractor, patient beds, and appliances. They are still working on getting a new generator, and the kitchen needs a complete redo.

Leah also wanted everybody to know that BSMC works closely with Big Sandy Pharmacy on a program called 340B that provides prescription cost savings to our patients. In a nutshell, the eligibility requirements are seeing one of BSMC’s medical providers within one year of having a prescription from that provider filled at Big Sandy Pharmacy. As of the end of October, the 340B Program saved our patients over $235,000 this calendar year for nearly 1,600 encounters. That is an average of around $147 in savings per prescription.

Currently, visitors must wear masks when they enter the medical center.

The Chairman of the Board, Harvey Keller, mentioned he would like to thank the Medical Guild for all their work and support of the Medical Center. He noted that we would need more members in the Medical Guild in the future.

Nicole Allderdice and Bob Nelson ran for their board position again. They voted and approved.

Appointment to the Bylaws Committee needs to have an employee and a community member. The new by-law Committee members are Dusty Allderdice and Daniel Weaver.

Three were appointed to the nominating committee: Jim Ray, Chairman Harvey Keller, and Daniel Weaver.

Bob Nelson commented the finances are looking very good. The Medical Center has taken in more dollars and more customers. People are coming from Havre and Winifred. They are excited to be expanding the PT area. Thanks were given to all two medical providers, Zane Bendig, Krystyl Kulbeck, and Dr. Robertson.

It was mentioned that the medical center would have Chiropractic services in the future and hopefully a doctor.

Chairman, Harvey Keller, mentioned this is the best the medical center has been since he has been involved with the board and congratulated everyone who had a part in making it as successful. He knows how important it is to have the medical center in our community and is happy to see how healthy the medical center is.

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