Santa Letters

Mary’s Little Lamb Daycare

Dear Santa,

My name is Elliot and I am 3 years old this year. This year for Christmas I would like a Paw Patrol house with a slide. I have been very nice this year and I have been playing nice with my friends and helping my dad and mom out on the farm when they need it. I promise to set out some grass for your reindeer and maybe some water.

Merry Christmas,

Elliot Overbay

Dear Santa,

Hi, Santa! I am 4 years old this year. I was very nice this year and helped my mom go to the store and I wake Teagen up in the morning. For Christmas this year would you please bring me a Mario and Luigi game with a TV? I would also like two remotes, one for Knox and one for me. I will leave you out some candy corn for a snack.

Merry Christmas,

Noah Simpson

Dear Santa,

This year I turned 1 year old and I have been nice all year long! I help take care of the chickens and gather the eggs. For Christmas this year I would love some fun board books and a baby doll. I promise to leave you and the elves out some muffins and milk. Thank you Santa!

Merry Christmas,

Alex Weaver

Dear Santa,

My name is Delaney and I am 2 years old. I have been a very nice girl this year. I share my toys with all my friends and I play with and love my Grandma’s cat. For Christmas this year I would like some fun Christmas toys and a new blanket. I will have my mom leave you out some candy and food for your reindeer. Have a safe trip!

Merry Christmas,

Delaney Andreasen

Dear Santa,

I am 4 years old this year and I have been nice and helpful all year long. I always help my Grandma carry things and I am nice at school and made new friends. I would love it if you gave me a Spiderman motorcycle and a new Spiderman costume. I promise to leave you out cookies and chocolate milk. I hope you have a good night!

Merry Christmas,

Knox Simpson

Dear Santa,

I am a 1 year old this year and I have been very nice this year. I am learning lots of new words and I always help clean up my toys and help my friends pick up their toys too. This year for Christmas I would like a new basketball and a train toy. I promise to leave you out some cookies and a drink.

Merry Christmas,

Asher Kulbeck

Dear Santa,

My name is Payton and I just turned 1 year old a couple months ago. I have been a super nice girl and I always remember to give lots of hugs and kisses to my family. I would really like a unicorn and a trampoline this year for Christmas. I will have my mom help me leave you out some milk and cookies for you to enjoy.

Merry Christmas,

Payton Johnson

Dear Santa,

Hi Santa, I am 2 years old this year. I have been very nice this year and a good big sister. I help take care of my pony and I am always very helpful. This year for Christmas I would love a barn toy with some horses and some magnetic tiles to play with. I promise to have my mom and dad leave you out some water and cake.

Merry Christmas,

Eleanor Weaver

Dear Santa,

I am 4 years old this year. I have been nice all year long. Some of the nice things I have done this year are playing nice with my little brother Asher and helping him get on the couch. I also listen to my mom and my dad. This year I would love for you to get me a big dinosaur and also a T-Rex eating car toy set. I will leave some carrots out for your reindeer and some cookies for you to eat. Have a great night Santa!

Merry Christmas,

Jaxon Kulbeck

Dear Santa,

Hi Santa, My name is Edie and this year I am 3 years old. I am for sure on your nice list! Some nice things I have done this year are playing nice with my friends and sharing. I also help my mom out when she needs help. This year I would love a Paw Patrol toy for Christmas and a few new dolls for my doll house. I will leave you out some chocolate chip cookies and lots of milk. Thanks Santa!

Merry Christmas,

Edie Sherburn


Dear Santa,

I have been very good this year. I have been watching movies and doing activities. I am 6 years old, and I have 1 sister who is 3. I really liked my presents from last year, thank you. This year I would like a turtle, a hamster, and 2 LOL dolls. My mom would like a new IPhone, My dad would like a new gaming headset. Ly little sister would like a dinosaur. I will leave milk and cookies for you and reindeer food for the reindeer.

Your Friend, Avery

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year. I have been opening presents for a while. I am 5 years old, and I have one sister, Marquell. Thank you for the gifts last year. This year I would like a hug, chocolate ship cookies for grandma, and a dog. Please bring big chocolate chip cookies for my dad. I will leave dog treats for the reindeer, and milk and cookies for Santa.

Your Friend, Sally

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year. I have been helping my mom, going to my dad’s pool and playing. I am 5 years old and have 3 sisters and 1 brother. I liked the gifts you brought last year. I would like a new robot toy, a rainbow blanket and an Optamis Prime toy. I will leave milk and cookies for you, Santa.

Your Friend, Matthew

Dear Santa, I have been good this year. I have been playing with my sister Piper. I am 6 years old. I have 4 brothers and 4 sisters. My favorite gift from last year was the dress my mom got for me. This year I would like a pony, more hair accessories, and a new pair of perple boots. I think my dad would also like a new pair of boots. I will leave reindeer food for Rudolph and his friends.

Your Friend, Yanci

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year. I have been playing on my tablet a lot this year. I am 5 years old and my sister , Olivia is 8. I really appreciated my present, and was wondering if. This year I could get a bow, a tablet, a robot, and a bow for my sister. I will leave you chocolate chip cookies, milk and carrots for the reindeer in the coffee table by the couch.

Your Friend, Bode

Dear Santa,

This year I have been very good, I go to school and I do my work on my IPad. I am only 5 years old. My family are Roxie, Dad, Casper, Levon, Mom and Me, Waylon. I thank you for the walkie Talkies and three things I would like for Christmas is Dominous Rex, T-Rex, and a boat that floats in water. I would like a fidget spinner from my family. I will leave milk and cookies and for the reindeer on my table.

Your Friend, Waylon

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year. I have been kind to people. I am really nice, I have 6 siblings, I am 6 years old. I have a good relationship with my family. I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers. Really liked the toy light-saver and thank you for it. I would really like a dirt bike, a toy T-Rex, and an Elf so he can tell you if I have been good or bad. I think my family would want an X-Box for the living room to play games together. I will leave milk and cookies on the table for you and reindeer food in the table next to yours.

Your Friend, John

Dear Santa,

My name is Bridger, and I am 6 years old. I have 2 sisters, London and Kennedy. I’m going to make them a card. Thank you for the combine I really enjoyed it! I would like a hoverboard, electric scooter, and a toy skeleton. Can you please give my family a Christmas stuffed animal. I have been good this year! I will leave our Christmas cookies and milk for you.

Your Friend, Bridger

Dear Santa,

I have been good this year. I help lmy sisters. I am 5 years old. I have 2 sisters and no brothers. I love the tractor you gave me last year. I want a nerf gun, candy and a camo sweat shirt. I want to give my mom a vet coat. I will leave milk and one hundred cookies and eight carrots and candy canes for the reindeer.

Your Friend, Sawyer

Dear Santa,

I have been good. I have been playing my animals. I am 5 years old. I have a little brother, Colt. Thank you for my vet station. I want a dragon toy, a Elsa and a Anna doll. I will leave milk and cookies and reindeer food out for you.

Your Friend, Oakley

Dear Santa,

This year I have been a good boy. What I have been doing is going hunting with my dad. This year I am 6 years old. I have three brothers. I like to go fishing with my dad. I like my present from last year and got a BB gun, thank you. Three things I would like is A gun, a fishing rod, and a boat. I think my dad would want a gun. I think my mom would want flowers. I will leave cookies and milk for Santa and carrots for the reindeer.

Your Friend, Krockett

Dear Santa,

My name is Hilti and I am 5 years old and I am the only child. I loved the unicorn bag you got me last year. I use it for putting my earrings in. This year I would like a new stocking, balloons, and a new water bottle. And if you could, would you get a kitty statue for my mommy, my mommy has a kitty named Cassie and he loves to be pet. I will leave you milk and some amazing sugar cookies.

Your Friend, Hilti

Dear Santa,

This year I have been a very good boy. I have helped my mom and helped my sister Kasey. My name is Luke and I am 6 years old. I like helping my friends, Krockett, Bridger, Sawyer, Oakley, and Waylon Myers. And thank you for my toy lego subefeain ship. This year I would like Skeleton headphones, also a really cool robot, and lastly a Lego infinity goblet. This year I want to get my mom a new pair of glasses, and my dad a new pocket knife, and Elaina, I want to get her a new phone case. And Kasey is getting a scarf. I will leave you milk and cookeis on my fireplace.

Your Friend, Luke

Dear Santa,

I have been very good, learning numbers and letters. I am 6 years old and I have one sister. I got a sled last year, Thank you. This year I would like a barbie doll, baby dolls, and something cool. For my dad, Christmas pajamas, my mom some make up, and a cute dress for my sister. I would leave you cookies and candy canes for the reindeer.

Your Friend Grace

First Grade

Dear Santa,

How are you? How is Mrs. Claus? I would like a baseball bat and with it I Would like a RC car. I have been a good girls. I will leave our cookies and milk for you, Santa. Thank you.

Love, Paezlee

Dear Santa,

What is you faverite kind of cookie? For Christmas I would like a pop it, brobe, and a fidget spihre. Thank you for bringing my presents.

Sincely, Charlie

Dear Santa,

What is your favorite kind of cookie? For Christmas I would like a roodixkeood, iypad, and yoonkarn. Good bye. Ill see next Chrsitmas.

Sincerely, Ruthie

Dear Santa,

What is your favorite kind of cookie? For Christmas I would lik a huvrbord.

Have a great Chrsitmas.

From, Lila

Dear Santa,

What is your faorite kind of cookie? For Christmas I would like a patkit, quishe kit, and fiaet kit.

Have a great Christmas.

From, Georgia

Dear Santa,

What is your favorite kind of cookie? For Christmas I would like a doctr case, crafting set, and a stuft animal pandu. Have a great Chrsitmas.

From, Charlotte

Dear Santa,

What is your favorite kind of cookie? For Christmas I would like a Xbloox, toycaland, and modsicl. Have a great Christmas

From, Hudson

Dear Santa,

What is your favorite cookie? For Christmas I would like a ipad, giat unicorn stuff ainmly, and a kity stuft ainmlul. Thank you for bringing me presents.

From, Kirren

Dear Santa,

What is your favorite kind of cookie? For Christmas I would like a grow up baby doll, a a sogd, and a toy casl. Good bye. I’ll see you next Christmas.

From Aliyah

Dear Santa,

What is your favorite kind of cookie? For Christmas I would like a Clock, a kitinn, and a boat. Have a grate Christmas.

From Riley

Dear Santa,

What is your favorite kind of cookie? For Christmas I would like a ciyeote stuft animall, and a Lego bereienikx, and a Lego Iyrrn man rowbot. Good bye I’ll see you next Christmas.

From, Owen

Dear Santa,

What is your favorite cookie? I would like a Amatacen girl doll, goldene ratrever, and a clock. Good bye, I’ll see you next Christmas.

From Belle

Dear Santa,

What is you rfavorite cookie? For Christmas I would like a nentendo swich, kedl and a jrane. Thank you, I’ll see you next Chrsitmas.

From Peyton

Dear Santa,

Merry Christmas Santa! How are the reindeer? Tell them Merry Christmas. Bring me a dog doll crb, and an American Girl doll. I’ve been good this year.

From, Sarabella

Dear Santa,

What is your favorite cookie? For Christmas I would like a puppy, pop it, huvrbord. Thank y ou for bringing me presents.

From Karrighan

Second Grade

Dear Santa,

My name is Sienna. I am 8 years old. I have been a good girl. I would like a an Alexa and a Vetek Camera, a hoverboard that glows, a make up set and whatever you want to give me. I will leave milk and cookies and carrots for the reindeer.

Merry Christmas

Love, Sienna

P.S. Say Hi to the elves for me.

Dear Santa,

May name is Colton. I’m 7 years old. I was a good kid. I would love these things, an RC, and Hey Dudes, and pop it, and Xbox 1, and Hoverboard, and a dog, and headphones, and vans. The end.

Thank you. I will leave you milk and cookies and carrots for the reindeer. Merry Christmas!

Love, Colton

Dear Santa,

My name is Austin. I am 7 years old. For Christmas I want is a Xbox and a Controller and a TV and headset and a laptop. I have been a good boy this year. I will leave cookies for you and I will leave carrots for the reindeer.


Dear Santa,

I am 7 years old. I am Ethan. I have been a good boy this year. I will love a box of blocks, more Nintendo games and a skateboard.


Dear Santa,

My name is Ryat. I am 7 years old. This year I was a good kid. I would like a toy dinosaur, pop it, air pods, phone, a toy farm. I am going to set out carrots for the reindeer.

Merry Christmas, Santa.

Love, Ryat

Dear Santa,

My name is Adonia. Iam 8 years old. This year I’m a good kid. I would love a big Pop it. I like Christmas.

Love Adonia

P.S. Say Hi to Rudolph.

Dear Santa,

My name is Jaxon. I’m 8 years old. This year I’ve been a good boy. I would like these things; Headphones, IPhone 10, keyboard, RC car, mouse for the computer. Thank you. I will leave you milk and cookies, and carrots for the reindeer. I hope you have a great Christmas Santa.

Love, Jaxon

Dear Santa,

My name is Dorthea. I am 8 years old. I’ve been good this year. I would love a Monster high doll, a Squsshy, and a binasaur pop it. Thank you!

I will leave milk and carrots for the rindeer. Merry Chrismis, Santa.

Love Thea

Dear Santa,

My name is Ella. I am 8 years old. I have ben a good kid. I wold like Hatchimals, Alexa, Hoverboard, orbement and a Cristel. Thank you! I will leave you milk and cookies and carrots for the reindeer. P.S. Say Hit to the reindeer and elvs for me. Merry Christmas.

Love, Ella

Dear Santa,

My name is Emie. Iam 8 years old. I was a good kid. I would love a hoverboard, make up, Party Cannon, and Descendants PJS. Thank you, I will leave you milk and cookies, and carrots for the reindeer. Christ Santa.

Love Emie

Dear Santa,

My name is Eli. I am 8 years old a good kid. I will leave you milk, carrots for the reindeer.

Merry Chrsitmas, Sata!

Love Eli

Dear Santa,

My name is Kanin. I been a nice kid this year. I would love a Nintendo Switch please, and a litte kid motor cycle. Thank you! I will leave you milk and cookies and carrots for the reindeer.

Merry Christmas Santa Ho Ho Ho.

Love Kannin

Dear Santa,

My name is Titus. I am 8 years old. This year I was a good kid. I would love a Ninrendo, an Xbox credit card, and a phone. Thank you!

I will leave you milk and cookies and Carrits for the reindeer. Merry Christmas, Santa!

Love Titus

Dear Santa,

My name is MaKenna. I am 8 years old. I was a good kid. I would love a lot of dogs, foxes, wolves, and a pop it and squishes please I willleave milk and cookies, and carrots for the reindeer.

Merry Christmas Santa!

Love MaKenna

P.S. Say Hi to Charlie

3rd Grade

Dear Santa,

How are you? How is Mrs.Claus? I would love a golden retiever and I would like a pistol, a real one and last but not least I would want 5 security cameras with a tablet so I can see if there’s an intruder. I have been an okay kid.

I will leave our coffee and cake for you. Have a Merry day.

Sincerely, Isaac

Dear Santa,

How are you? How cold is it? I would like an Xbox, and a RC, please I heave been a kind of a good boy. I will leave out cookies and milk for you.

Sincerely, Julian

Dear Santa,

How are you? How is Mrs. Claus? The reindeer? Maybe the Elves? I would like a kitten calender! I have been ok. I will leave out cookie and milk for you. I’m excited for Christmas, I hope you are too! I hope Rudolph is doing good. Thank you, Santa.

Sincerely, Gabriella

Dear Santa,

How are you? I’m doing good! How is Mrs. Claus? I have been an okay girl. The most thing I want is my dad to stay home. Remember the most thing I want. Merry Christmas and a Happy New year!

Love, Piper

Dear Santa,

How are you? How are the reindeer doing? I would like a real panzer tank, wool socks and a miny for weeler.

From Wyatt

Dear Santa,

How are you? How are the reindeer? Oh and for Christmas I would like a fidget box for crismas and I would like a kitten and I would like a LOL doll and I would like a IPhone 8 and Wi lwill leave you some candy canes and carrots and milk.

Love, Bentlee

Dear Santa,

How are you? How are the reindeer? I would like a Venom statue, a carnage statue, an Blastoys statue, a German Shepard and an Xbox series X and a PS 5. I have been a good boy. I will leave our cookies and milk for you. Thank you.

Sincerely, T’Gan

Dear Santa,

How are you? How is Mrs. Claus doing? I would like a lot of LOLs. I have been a medium girl. I will leave out a super cool surprise for you. Thank you.

Love Oliva

Dear Santa,

How are you? How is Rudolph doing pulling the sleigh? I would like a newborn puppy for Christmas and a new kitten for Christmas too, because my cat Carry she might die because she has I think a broken leg and I think something hit her because I think there is blood in her neck.

Love Ashlynn

Dear Santa,

How are you? How is Rudolph? I would like a dog. Last Christmas the elf was staring at me. I want a dog because my dog ran away. And I’m going to give the reindeer carrots. And I’m going to give you milk and cookies. Thank you.

Love, D’Aree

Dear Santa,

How are you? I Would like a sack of bouncey balls and my own reindeer please, Santa. I have been a medium boy. I will leave out cookies and milk.

Love, Riley

Dear Santa,

How are you? How is your sleigh? I would like a cold blanket that makes you cold. I have been a good boy. I will leave out cookies and milk and carrots fot the reindeers.

Sincerely, Travis

Dear Santa,

How are you? How is the shop? I have been a good girl. I will leave out cookies and mike for you. Thank you!

Sincerely, Kira

Dear Santa,

How are you? How is Mrs. Claus? I would like a Pop it, tablet, pop sockit, Moana blanket, and a trampline. I have been a good girls. I leave out cupcakes.

Thank you.

Love your friend, Debra

Dear Santa,

How are you? How are the reindeer? I hope Mrs. Claus is well!

I would like a puppy for Christmas, please! I have been kind of good baly bad girl.

I will leave out cookies for you!

Thank you

Love, Kennedy

Dear Santa,

How are you? How is Mrs. Claus? I hope well, because who would make the underwear? I have been okay. Can you ask Peneope to grow her hair long? I want to know which cookies you like the most? I would like a skate board and an egg chair.

Sincerely, Cassia

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