"Twas the Night Before Christmas" poems by the 6th graders

Twas the Night Christmas

By:Natty Lavenger

“Twas the day before break, when all through the halls,

All the students so were anxiously climbing the walls;

The lockers were anxiously open kids combing their hair,

In hopes that some snowflakes would soon fill the air;

Kids were excited to sleep late in their beds,

Then there we were kids doing work in their heads:

Then there was a shout of matter

I went to go see what it was, Santa standing in the hall

then he left then he shouted “On Dasher, on Dancer, on Prancer and Vixen

On Comet, on Cupid, on Donner and Blitzen!

Now, dash away, dash away, dash away


He was dressed all in fur from his head to his foot

A bundle of toys he had flung on his back

Then the dismissal bell rang on back and forth and back

“Twas the day before break, when all through the halls,

All the students were anxiously climbing the walls;

The lockers were open- kids combing their hair,

In hopes that some snowflakes would soon fill the air;

Kids were excited to sleep late in their beds,

While visions of carefree days danced in their heads:

With people in the office and I in my class,

We just settled down and let our brains rest at last,

When outside the room there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from my chair to see what was the matter.

I looked outside and saw it was snowing.

Then the teacher said you won’t go home.

She tried to cheer us up with a gnome.

Then the gnome started spitting foam.

Next Rome said “I’m bored.”

The teacher said,”Let’s go explore.”

We walked into an old room that wasn’t used anymore.

Someone turned on the light and heard a big roar!

We looked on the floor and saw a man.

The teacher told us a plan.


Somebody said.

Finally, we figured out who the man was.

It was really Santa.

We walked with him outside and back to his sleigh.

Then he said”Ho Ho Ho” and he was off on his way.

By Lyndee Worrall

“Twas the day before break, when all through the halls,

All the students were anxiously climbing the walls;

The lockers were open- kids combing their hair,

In hopes that some snowflakes would soon fill the air;

Kids were excited to sleep late in their beds,

While visions of carefree days danced in their heads:

With people in the office and I in my class,

We just settled down and let our brains rest at last,

When outside the room there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from my chair to see what was the matter.

I ran out the door to see a fat man sitting in a chair.

When suddenly kids started lining up floating in the air.

I heard a scream then they fell,someone had rung a bell.

We got ready to leave, but the doors were all locked.

Then we saw chickens running within the halls they bocked.

We couldn’t get out, the halls filled with weird sounds and animals too.

All the kids were yelling and screaming. We all yelled together,”BOO!”

I heard a roar from in the hall and a kid asked the lion to the snow ball.

The teachers asked us if we wanted to watch a show.

At once it started to snow then the hall started to glow.

It was a glowing portal looking thing, it was time to be free.

I ran to the portal and jumped in everyone followed.

I heard half of the class they all bellowed.

By Raea Pansch

“Twas the day before break, when all through the halls,

All the students were anxiously climbing the walls;

The lockers were open- kids combing their hair,

In hopes that some snowflakes would soon fill the air;

Kids were excited to sleep late in their beds,

While visions of carefree days danced in their heads:

With people in the office and I in my class,

We just settled down and let our brains rest at last,

When outside the room there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from my chair to see what was the matter.

It was the man starving to death,

so I decided to help the chef.

He ate the meal of a Christmas Feast,

and wanted to go home at least.

The dismiss bell rang very loud,

and all of the children were very proud.

Going to the mountains and going shopping,

going to the field, running and hopping.

On my way home, I found a frozen kitten,

so I panicked and picked up the minion!!

I rushed home and put near the fire,

after that it was no longer tired. [what]

I adopted the little cuddling,

and now she’s best friends with my dogies.

I took her on a ride on CrossFire; my bike,

though she was frightened by the height.

We went home and she took a nap,

and she was snuggling on my lap.

It was the next morning and was gone,

though I found her as soon as I yawned.

She was under my footrest,

and I found out she was scared of the guest.

Dusty Alterdice was here to help Karla,

and I showed Dusty my little fella.

I told her her name was Snowball,

since I found her in the snow.

Snowball was white in color

so that’s another reason why I named her.

We took Snowball to the vet and said,

“She isn’t getting any bigger than what she is.”

It was Christmas Eve and I was excited,

but the little young Snowball was very tired.

It was 8:00 A.M. on Christmas Day,

and Snowball woke me up on my lap where she would lay.

Santa also made present for Snowball,

it was a collar with a bow tie and a ball.

We had a nice Christmas with a good dinner,

and that’s what we did during this part of Winter.

By Cody DeHavens

“Twas the day before break, when all through the halls,

All the students were anxiously climbing the walls;

The lockers were open- kids combing their hair,

In hopes that some snowflakes would soon fill the air;

Kids were excited to sleep late in their beds,

While visions of carefree days danced in their heads:

With people in the office and I in my class,

We just settled down and let our brains rest at last,

When outside the room there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from my chair to see what was the matter.

I opened the door and rushed into the hall.

Right there stood Santa dressed in his red.

He said the sleigh has broken down and I've lost all the reindeer.

Now I need your help to move all the presents.

I’ll get the big ones, I'll get the small ones rang through the halls.

Now how will we get them under all the trees is the question unsolved.

We got the bus driver to bring us to town and once we were there.

The car dealer was all sold out.

We went around town searching for something.

When at last we found a truck it was at the back of a dealer.

It was an ‘84 freightliner we saw a cabover to be precise.

So Santa I say can you drive.

He said no but certain you can.

So off we went with me behind the wheel.

When he produced a licence he said now this is yours.

So Off we went the stick in 13 delivering presents as fast as they came.

So with the reindeer in the trailer and all the presents delivered.

We all came back just in time to hear.

Now, Dasher! Now, Dancer! Now, Prancer and Vixen! On, Comet! on Cupid! on, Donder and Blitzen!

By: Colter Han

“Twas the day before break, when all through the halls,

All the students were anxiously climbing the walls;

The lockers were open- kids combing their hair,

In hopes that some snowflakes would soon fill the air;

Kids were excited to sleep late in their beds,

While visions of carefree days danced in their heads:

With people in the office and I in my class,

We just settled down and let our brains rest at last,

When outside the room there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from my chair to see what was the matter.

All I heard was that doesnt matter.

I ran faster and faster to see a man sitting in a chair.

He asked me do you think Christmas matters?

I said I don't know I like the clam chowder

but all is good so it does really matter.

By Randi Hardman

“Twas the day before break, when all through the halls,

All the students were anxiously climbing the walls;

The lockers were open- kids combing their hair,

In hopes that some snowflakes would soon fill the air;

Kids were excited to sleep late in their beds,

While visions of carefree days danced in their heads:

With people in the office and I in my class,

We just settled down and let our brains rest at last,

When outside the room there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from my chair to see what was the matter.

I went to the window their was a squirrel

just like a deferral,I love to watch christmas movies

because i think their very groovy.

By Natalie Heppner

“Twas the day before break, when all through the halls,

All the students were anxiously climbing the walls;

The lockers were open- kids combing their hair,

In hopes that some snowflakes would soon fill the air;

Kids were excited to sleep late in their beds,

While visions of carefree days danced in their heads:

With people in the office and I in my class,

We just settled down and let our brains rest at last,

When outside the room there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from my chair to see what was the matter.

Kids were up and running about the next thing I know

We are all running out I then found out that it’s the end

of the week and I said eek everyone was delighted it was

going to be lighted I went home and got on my chrome

I did some work and I got a perk My dad got home and

we saw a gnome we went to my grandma and we had fun


“Twas the day before break, when all through the halls,

All the students were anxiously climbing the walls;

The lockers were open- kids combing their hair,

In hopes that some snowflakes would soon fill the air;

Kids were excited to sleep late in their beds,

While visions of carefree days danced in their heads:

With people in the office and I in my class,

We just settled down and let our brains rest at last,

When outside the room there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from my chair to see what was the matter. I hit my head on the door

and tripped and slammed my head on the floor,

I got up and ran down the hall to come to my surprise,

there was an owl with a shawl,

When I went outside to the the clutter, with a gasped, I shuddered,

there was a were ten reindeer, Dasher,Dancer,Prancer,Vixen,Comet,Chet,Cupid,Olive,Donner,Bilzten,

Rudolph with a red nose reindeer and another one with a broken nose.

The one with a broken nose ate a rose,

Chet played in the snow,

Comet broke a bowl,

and Olive the other reindeer got caught up in the hose,

when we saw gitter,

in the winter, from the snowy sky, thought they were butterflies,

but with a blink of an eye, each and every reindeer went bye bye,

and when were all left stunned, my hair got tugged,

and there was a playful puppy with and a with a big fat husky.

Happy christmas to all and all a good night

Written by: Astrid Ketchum

“Twas the day before break, when all through the halls,

All the students were anxiously climbing the walls;

The lockers were open- kids combing their hair,

In hopes that some snowflakes would soon fill the air;

Kids were excited to sleep late in their beds,

While visions of carefree days danced in their heads:

With people in the office and I in my class,

We just settled down and let our brains rest at last,

When outside the room there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from my chair to see what was the matter.

Pigs were jumping up with pens,

Cows were running sheep through the barns.

Then everything went to sleep. I heard a clatter of reindeer,

Then Santa appeared with everyone's presents.

And in a moment’s flash Santa went through the roof.

And off he went through the silent night.

They woke up from their sleep and went to the tree.

Presents were all over causing glee!

By Garrett Lefurgey

“Twas the day before break, when all through the halls,

All the students were anxiously climbing the walls;

The lockers were open- kids combing their hair,

In hopes that some snowflakes would soon fill the air;

Kids were excited to sleep late in their beds,

While visions of carefree days danced in their heads:

With people in the office and I in my class,

We just settled down and let our brains rest at last,

When outside the room there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from my chair to see what was the matter.

There was a mouse in my backpack,

He was eating my snack pack!

that little thing almost gave me a heart attack

So i went home and ate a snack pack

Then i thought that rat

To not eat no more snack packs

Cause it gave me a heart attack

Then we shared a snak pack at the end of the day.

By Aidan Morsette

“Twas the day before break, when all through the halls,

All the students were anxiously climbing the walls;

The lockers were open- kids combing their hair,

In hopes that some snowflakes would soon fill the air;

Kids were excited to sleep late in their beds,

While visions of carefree days danced in their heads:

With people in the office and I in my class,

We just settled down and let our brains rest at last,

When outside the room there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from my chair to see what was the matter.

Everybody was shouting and crowding.

In the halls we heard someone make an announcement on the intercom.

What was happening everything's a mess.

Some kids weren't even dressed.

Soon everybody would be on their way to spend a wonderful day with their family.

Everybody jostled around thinking how we were going to get out.

Then there was a loud voice,


there is going to be a delay for Christmas Day.

Wait this has to be all misunderstood,

It's not good.

We all stood wondering if Santa would ever come,

maybe his map would show him the way on Christmas day.

Soon the moon would be out and Santa could find his way without any delay.

We were all wishing and willing

to help Santa find us. All the kids got sleepy and weepy

so they climbed on their tables and took a nappy.

They woke up and started to peer because they knew that Christmas was near.

By Genavieve Nissen

“Twas the day before break, when all through the halls,

All the students were anxiously climbing the walls;

The lockers were open- kids combing their hair,

In hopes that some snowflakes would soon fill the air;

Kids were excited to sleep late in their beds,

While visions of carefree days danced in their heads:

With people in the office and I in my class,

We just settled down and let our brains rest at last,

When outside the room there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from my chair to see what was the matter

I heard them say there was a fire.

We went outside to see what was the tire.

I heightened my courage

To see the cottage

Then I woke up from my slumber

To my brother’s sober

He said there is no presents

I got up but to my pleasant

There was gifts under the tree

I said to him don’t sigh

Santa Clause didn’t die

I said look There are presents across the room

There was no more gloom

In the room.

By Tommy Sant

“Twas the day before break, when all through the halls,

All the students were anxiously climbing the walls;

The lockers were open, kids combing their hair,

In hopes that some snowflakes would soon fill the air;

Kids were excited to sleep late in their beds,

While visions of carefree days danced in their heads:

With people in the office and I in my class,

We just settled down and let our brains rest at last,

When outside the room there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from my chair to see what was the matter.

There were dogs all around, they brought mud and snow in and it got all over,

The teachers and the principal were mad,

So we tried to get them out, But they were all around.

I couldn't stop them, I tried so hard they wouldn’t stop

Running around, we keep on trying but we just couldn’t,

So then my friends and I gather together to think of an idea,

I had an idea, I told my friends what it was,

We gathered food from the cafeteria and we went outside on the

Slippery snow and ice, we tried to not slip.

There were a lot of dogs chasing us, we ran as fast as leopards,

Then we got to an open space and we dropped the food on the snowy

ground, and we called the people’s number that it said on the collar, and we gave them back, then we got back in the school when we were done, and

The teachers and principal came up to us and thanked us for what we have done. We cleaned up the mess as did the rest of the people in the school, and we all watched a movie before we had to go home and enjoy our Christmas breaks.

By Daija Sunchild

“Twas the day before break, when all through the halls,

All the students were anxiously climbing the walls;

The lockers were open- kids combing their hair,

In hopes that some snowflakes would soon fill the air;

Kids were excited to sleep late in their beds,

While visions of carefree days danced in their heads:

With people in the office and I in my class,

We just settled down and let our brains rest at last,

When outside the room there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from my chair to see what was the matter.

We all rushed out the room in a hurry like a race.

We saw Santa and he had such grace.

We wanted a photo but he said no.

He said “ I’m sorry kids but I do have to go”.

I was sad but I understood.

I knew he would do what he could.

We opened our stockings and there was not much.

Just candy, toys and such.

We learned a lesson about Christmas, it's not about toys.

It’s all about Christmas family joys.

By Mackenzie O’Dell

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