Happy and Healthy New Year From Chouteau County Cancer Support Group

As the new year begins, we hang up our new calendars and pack away all the holiday decorations and lights. It is time to focus on the coming months and make those resolutions. Some people laugh and say the resolutions are things we would like to do but never keep the resolve to really stick to them. We encourage you to write these resolutions on a piece of paper. Use colored paper and colored markers, add a picture or decoration, and keep the resolutions somewhere where you’ll see them. This will make it easier to follow through.

Many people have wished me a Happy and Healthy New Year. We all hope for a healthy year. We are more likely to be healthy if we are proactive. Have you had your cancer screenings as suggested by American Medical Association?

• Colonoscopies should begin at age 50 and be repeated every 10 years if the results don’t show any risks. Your health provider will inform you if you need more frequent screenings.

• Mammograms should begin at age 40, according to the Mayo Clinic, and be repeated every 2 years if you are at low risk. Talk to your health provider about your personal risks and needs.

• Lung screenings are advised yearly for anyone who has a history of smoking.

• PAP tests are recommended every 3 years for women ages 21 to 65.

• Annual checkups with a care provider are recommended every year. If you are consistent with your checkups, your provider will get to know you and your health needs.

No one can control everything about their health, but we can give ourselves a little free insurance to stay as healthy as possible:

• Eat 5 helpings of fruits and vegetables each day (½ cup of either equals one serving). When planning a meal, think of the fruit and vegetable you will put on your plate first, then think of what else will be added. Don’t plan the carbohydrate and meat first.

• Drink, drink, drink water. Your body needs water and liquid to function. If you don’t drink enough, your kidneys, skin and other organs begin to look like a dried prune rather than a juicy plum. If your lips or skin are dry, you may not be drinking enough. Our brain needs to be hydrated to work well.

• Use sunscreen in winter, spring, summer, or fall. Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer. Wear long sleeves, a cap, and use sunscreen. Get outside but keep your skin safe.

• Exercise in whatever way meets your needs. Just walking for 30 minutes a day is great for your heart, lungs, and muscles. Distance is not as important as minutes. Find a partner to exercise with or listen to music or podcasts. It makes the time go faster.

The tips for a healthy lifestyle may mean big changes for you. Choose one thing to focus on. Remember that it takes 3 to 4 weeks to form new habits, so make the decision to focus on the new thing for one month. Begin with simple steps that you will do daily to get into the routine. Find a buddy to help you keep your resolution for healthier living. If you skip a day, or forget your resolution, don’t quit - just pick up where you were and continue on. No shaming or judging yourself. No one is perfect. We all have lapses, and we can all improve our lives. This is the perfect time to begin really taking care of ourselves to aid in a healthy 2022!