Danielle Weaver appointed to City council

The town of Big Sandy held its regular meeting on April 7, 2022. Colby Baumgarn offered his resignation as councilperson from Ward 2. Jon Sheehy offered his resignation from Ward 1 because he moved to a different area of town. Krystyl Kulbeck moved to appoint Danielle Weaver as councilperson for Ward 1, replacing Jon Sheehy. Jon Sheehy was then appointed councilperson for Ward 2.

There were 14 members of the town of Big Sandy present.

Chuck Williams from KLJ said he was contacting ACME for a firm timeline and how they plan to proceed with the project. He was told that the town needs at least a two-week heads up for the businesses to make their parking arrangements. It appears that only one block at a time will be affected. They had not heard anything about the competitive grant yet.

Julea Robbins from Bear Paw Development attended the meeting on Zoom. There is a $27,000.00 increase in the storm drain project due to change orders by KLJ. She told the council that $10,000 could be moved from contingency, increasing the town's share of $17,000.00. The city will use ARPA A & B funds to make up the shortfall, using the A funds last.

Ross Heupel from American Legal presented a bid to the council to update the town's codebook at $4,800.00, with an annual fee of $500.00 for maintenance and updates online, beginning the second year. The codes have not been updated for a long time.

The clerk received a quote for two hands-free dryers for the rest area bathrooms. Part of the funding will come from MTD and the balance from the Lippard-Clawiter grant.

A Rest Area wish the town clerk put together a list, and expenses were turned into MTD, which included the tree removal and trimming done in March.

There was nothing new to report on the old hotel. The town is still waiting on Jeff Myers to sign over the deed.

The town of Big Sandy has contacted MTD regarding signage for the concerns over the noise issue.

The new junk ordinance was received from the town attorney; because of changes, we start all over again. Those present asked questions, and a date for the public's first reading was set for April 21 at 7:00 p.m. Another will be held in May, and information will be in the Mountaineer.

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