Big Sandy Schools hiring and interview for Superintendent

On June 2, the Big Sandy School Board interviewed one candidate for Superintendent. They held a meet and greet at 8:30 for staff and community members. There were two candidates, but Gregory Derm pulled out at the last minute. Daniel Schrock was present.

There was some concern that the information did not get to the public quickly enough. The Montana School Board Association representative explained they could only be posted 48 hours before the interview. Which meant it could not be published in the Big Sandy Mountaineer. It was posted on the Big Sandy School’s Facebook page.

Teachers and the public could introduce themselves and ask questions for one hour before the formal interview. The School Board gave him a list of questions 5-10 minutes before the interview. By law, they must ask all candidates the same questions. The Mountaineer could not publish the questions; therefore, because of the possibility that another candidate would see them.

I also will not publish his spoken answers because if he is hired, I want him to have an opportunity to say what he wants to his new school more accurately. I don’t want to represent him.

After lunch, the board went into Executive Session to review references and discussion.

Afterward, the board met with teachers and visitors to discuss the possibility of hiring him. He was viewed favorably; however, they decided to wait for two more weeks to see if another person would like to apply for the position.

The school is also hiring. They need a food service assistant and a Janitor/Custodian. They are also looking for Summer Custodial help. Teacher openings are 7-12 Special Education, Paraprofessional, Special education, 7-12 Art Teacher, Junior High Teacher, 7-12 English, and an Elementary Teacher. Big Sandy, we all need to be recruiting.

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