A Special Thanks in Advance to our Chouteau County 4-H Fair Superintendents
4-H is the youth development program of our nation’s Cooperative Extension System and USDA. Cooperative Extension serves every county and tribe in the U.S. through a network of 110 public universities and more than 3000 local Extension offices. Research-based, hands-on experiences develop young people who are four times more likely to contribute to their communities; two times more likely to make healthier choices, and two times more likely to be civically active.
The County fair is successful because of the support of its volunteers. The Chouteau County Extension office would like to recognize the 4-H Fair Superintendents in advance for their time and dedication.
Dave Crowder: Dairy, Market and Breeding Beef Superintendent
Tara Rowland: Sheep and Goat Superintendent
Misty LeFurgey and Mary Ophus: Swine Superintendents
Jenni Starman: Horse Superintendent
Misty LeFurgey and Mary Ophus: Rabbit and Poultry Superintendents
Pat Gray: Static/Indoor Exhibits Coordinator
We appreciate the time and effort taken out of their busy schedules to help promote youth development in Chouteau County.
Montana State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Montana Counties Cooperating. MSU Extension is an equal opportunity/affirmative action provider of educational outreach.