Work on Main Street to start July 5

The town of Big Sandy held a regular meeting on June 22nd. Every council member was present, along with two members of the public.

The SWPP (stormwater pollution permit) has finally come through. ACME is updating the construction schedule. The council asked them to go to town and update the businesses on Johannes Avenue. A start date is tentatively set for July 5th.

There were no further public comments at the Second Reading of Ordinance 2021-01. Rich Jespersen moved to pass the ordinance. Jon Sheehy seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Rich Jespersen and Larry Geyer did a drive around and compiled a list of properties that will be notified of issues on their property.

Progress on the new pool, Rich Jespersen reported that the Land and Water grant had been kicked back to the committee. They need more information and need a report from a biologist regarding wetlands and endangered species in the area where the pool will be located. Rich has been in contact with a Fish and Parks biologist in Havre. They also need the interlocal agreement with the school to be in place.

There is an issue with the sewer at the current pool, and Lakeside is coming next week to do the repairs. The pool can still be used as long as there is running water for hand washing and showering. Two Porta Potties are set up. The clerk checked with the county sanitarian, and it is fine as long as this is a temporary fix, and we continue to have water available.

Before starting the new business, Mayor Schwarzbach, on behalf of the council, presented Colby Baumgarn with a 17-year plaque in appreciation for his years of serving on the town council.

Bond Resolution: Rich Jespersen moved to approve Resolution 2022-17, a supplemental resolution relating to water revenue bonds. Danielle Weaver seconded, and the motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote.

The old motel and its owner, Jeff Myers, returned the wrong quit-claim deed. Also, there is other information needed to complete the transfer. The clerk contacted Mr. Myers via email to inform him that she was sending the correct quit-claim deed and that the town required the other information. The right claim was mailed last Tuesday. It was also noted that the council would be sending a thank you letter to Mr. Myers once the transaction is complete.

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