August 2, 2022, marks the fifth anniversary of Darlene Cline at the helm of the Jeff Reichelt Memorial Library in Big Sandy. Darlene accepted the position of librarian at the Big Sandy Branch of the Chouteau County Library when Stephanie Overbay decided to become a part of the Big Sandy Public School system's staff.

Within these five years, Darlene has continued to provide stimulating activities year-round for all ages, as well as to make astute suggestions to patrons about books they would find interesting to read. Each summer, Darlene has decorated the library and lined up guest speakers to enhance her summer reading program. Over these years, she has introduced a myriad of books and activities to go with the following themes: "Build a Better World," "Libraries Rock," "Universe of Stories," "Tails and Tales," and this summer's "Oceans of Possibilities" with its 82 youth, 21 teens, and 42 adults participating from June 13 through July 28.

Darlene would be quick to say that she has great community support and talented helpers at the library. Tavie Wortman has been a fantastic addition her Sophomore, Junior, and Senior years. Her artistic talent, helpful attitude, and cheery disposition will be sorely missed as she heads off to Nashville! Rachel Baumgarn has been Darlene's "sidekick"-official title: Library Clerk-for the past two years. They continue to create a fun atmosphere for children with homework help after school Monday through Thursday from 4:00-5:00, Lego Club on Fridays, along with movies and popcorn. The computers always seem to be in use with some explicitly for children's learning and others for adult use to check emails, read news, or do research. Storytime, suspended for the summer, will resume in September on Wednesday mornings throughout the school year. There is also a keyboard, donated by professional pianist Judy (Bush) Pleskac, that all ages can play.

New book arrivals are strategically displayed to entice browsers. Darlene has organized a good collection of family appropriate videos, as well as audiobooks for patrons to enjoy. If you have not signed up for your library card, please come to the library and have Darlene get you set. With the "Montana Library 2 Go" app, you will then have access to thousands of books to either download and read on your Kindle or listen to on your iPhone through audiobooks. I am absolutely hooked on it!

The Friends of the Library organization is especially pleased with the effort Darlene puts forth to have the library be a part of our town's annual Saturday Christmas Stroll. Many out-of-towners have thus had the opportunity to see our beautiful library and have raved about it! One year Darlene went above and beyond to create a memorable "Spook House" for Halloween that filled the entire meeting room!

Our new city library officially opened in late January of 2017. Darlene and the "Friends" have celebrated the anniversaries of that grand opening each subsequent year on Valentine's Day. Month after month from January through December, Darlene has the library appropriately and appealingly decorated. It is a pleasure to stop in and see what is happening!

Darlene's philosophy about what a library should be matches that of our "Friends of the Library's" mindset: our library is a hopping place that is inviting, stimulating, rewarding, and chockfull of adventures in reading for all who come through the door. She is passionate about reading, and she is passing that enthusiasm for this lifetime hobby on to our young and not so young.

Visit our library Monday through Thursday between 10:00 and 5:00 or Fridays from 10:00 to 3:00. Darlene will fix you up with an enjoyable book or a fun activity.

Congratulations, Darlene, on your fifth anniversary as Big Sandy's librarian. We appreciate all your efforts to make our library what it is. Thank you for your terrific attitude and your desire to serve our public so well.

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