Big Sandy Booster Club is preparing for the new school year

Booster Club is looking for new members and volunteers to help promote our high school student athletes and activities. We are always open to new ideas and are looking for volunteers to help with upcoming projects. All community members are welcome to help, you do not need to be a member. We won’t be holding monthly meetings this year, but instead meetings will be held at the start of each sport season and as needed so that parents can become involved in supporting the sports in which their kids participate. As you can tell they are worth becoming involved.

Fall Kick-Off is August 23 with the meal to be served at 6:00. They are asking that football parents bring cookies/dessert and volleyball parents bring salads. Hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, baked beans, and water will be provided.

Prices: current athletes Free, students $5, Adult $7, and family $20

Activities planned are a hamburger feed, recognition of 2022 spring athletes and current fall athletes (football, volleyball, and cheerleading), grade school flag football with the Pioneer football team, a PIONEER gear and “new to you” clothing sale (we are asking for donations of old, outgrown, vintage pioneer gear, and gently used sports gear to be donated and dropped off at the schools, The Grocery Store, and the library. The school will also be open to tour and staff/teachers will be available to visit with during kick-off.

The Booster Club helping sponsor practice gear for athletes and activities.

Pioneer Gear will also be made available to the community again this year. Cheryl Strutz is the main contact if you have ideas or suggestions for PIONEER items to be ordered.

50/50 tickets will be sold a most home games, Amber Terry is the contact.

Pop Shoot at basketball games will be headed up by Amy Terry and Cheryl Strutz.

“PIONEER” letters in the tennis court fence will be ordered and ready to be installed after the court updates are made.

Big Sandy High School sign in Jerry Martin Memorial Park, to help visitors find the school, will be designed and installed.

The Booster Club will again sponsor NFHS subscription at the Senior Citizens Center

Continue putting wooden sport signs on poles on main street.

Booster Club Officers are: President, Anna Bold (406)945-0457; Vice President, Cheryl Strutz;

Treasurer, Amy Terry; Secretary, Kelly Dixon

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