Lady Pioneers get ready for upcoming season

"I'm excited! Yes, definitely looking forward to the season, ?? told me. "We have a lot of experienced players and six incoming freshmen" Morgan Simpson will be the assistant this year and Brittany McKenney is happy to have someone who knows the game and has played volleyball.

A total of 16 girls have come out for the sport this year. Currently, they have two practices a day. Coach McKenney will be experimenting with letting every girl play at different positions. She wants to learn their strengths and weakness. She isn't afraid to change it up during the season either. ? hopes to build a strong team. She is expecting more enthusiasm than they had last year. Looking for leadership and hopes to find the girls with more positivity.

There will be 12 girls suited up as varsity players.

They hit the season with a bang! Playing three days in a row: Chinook at home on August 25th, in Rudyard on the 26th, and in Belt for a tournament on the 27th.

They will be playing on a newly finished gym floor. Let's Come out and watch. They work hard since we have nothing else to do that night. Let's get behind them and positively start the season.