Pioneer Parent Organization Forms to Support teachers

The organizational meeting of the Pioneer Parent Organization met at the Big Sandy Library. The purpose is to find ways to support the teachers of Big Sandy. Both teachers and parents will belong to the organization so they can communicate needs and ideas. Every idea is doable. For example, suppose you want to offer to help do little things. In that case, you can make copies, laminate items, cut out items, hand out backpack buddies, help at the book fair, bake goodies for the teacher's lounge, decorate bulletin boards, chaperone field trips, listen to students read, organize clothes and winter gear.

It doesn't have to be parents. Grandparents can volunteer as well. They would like to start having listeners for students reading immediately. Contact Rachel Baumgarn at the Big Sandy Library if you want to participate in this effort.

Suppose you want to spend a little more time. In that case, they need monitors for recess duty, extra recess duties (these are recesses the kids earn), monitors for an indoor recess (also need ideas for indoor recess), students reading one on one outside the classroom, or setting up tables for breakfast. Someone mentioned it would be nice to have dinner for teachers and parents during the parent-teacher conference.

We all know listening to the news that teachers often have to purchase their own supplies. The Pioneer Parent Organization would like to raise funds to help teachers with their supplies. Suppose you would like to donate money to that or for teachers' lunches (HS teachers must buy lunch if they are not on lunch duty). Join the organization and brainstorm ideas to support the education of our students.

Parents' grade school sports programs are not school-sponsored. So you can be involved in plenty of areas, like help setting up fields for kids' soccer. For 5th and 6th-grade basketball games and little pioneer basketball. Helping with little Pioneer wrestling as well, and after these games, the place needs to be cleaned up by the families using them-volunteer to work concessions for non-school sporting events.

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