Green Acres

Jacynta Bomgardner of Chouteau County wins the Montana Certified Lamb Carcass Contest

Jacynta Bomgardner of Chouteau County received the top placing in the carcass division of the 2022 Montana Certified Lamb contest. She will receive her award at the Montana Wool Growers Association banquet on December 3rd in Billings. The breeder of the lamb is Patty's Club Lambs out of Missoula, Montana. Congratulations to Jacynta for a job well done. The Montana 4-H and FFA Certified Fair Lamb Contest is ranked in two divisions on a statewide level. The divisions are carcass and ultrasound. Lambs in the carcass division are shown, harvested, and graded in the cooler by a trained judge on ribeye area, backfat depth and quality. Lambs in the ultrasound division are shown, scanned for ribeye area and backfat depth by trained technicians and may or may not be harvested after the fair. Data is entered into one of two spreadsheets to calculate percent boneless retail cuts for ranking. Lambs also need to make minimum and/or maximum requirements based on industry standards to be eligible for certification. Overall, 35 Montana fairs participated in the contest with over six hundred lambs measured between the two divisions.

Front Range Wool Pool Annual Meeting is December 6 in Conrad

The Annual meeting of the Front Range Wool Pool will take place on Tuesday, December 6 at the Moose Lodge

in Conrad. The meeting will start at 2:00 with registration and an educational program at 2:30. As always, Brent Roeder, MSU Extension Sheep Specialist, will be cooking lamb, which will be served at 5:30. Educational programming will include an update on the MSU Wool Lab, sheep and wool markets, industry reports and current research. The annual meeting will follow at 6:00 p.m. For further information about the wool marketing advantages of selling wool thru the consolidated wool pool, please contact Tyler Lane at the Chouteau County Extension office at 622-3751.

Montana State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Montana Counties Cooperating. MSU Extension is an equal opportunity/affirmative action provider of educational outreach.

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