Lippard/Clawiter Foundation Grants for Big Sandy

Every year I am in awe of the contributions made by the Lippard/Clawiter Foundation. They have supported Chouteau county since its formation in the early 1980s. The Foundation awards grants to non-profit organizations all across Chouteau County “for any of the following purposes: religious, educational, charitable, scientific, literary, testing for public safety, fostering national or international amateur sports competition (as long as it doesn’t provide athletic facilities or equipment), or the prevention of cruelty to children or animals.”

They have released their list of county-wide distributions for 2022. It supports local fire departments, pools, libraries, youth programs, and community clubs in Chouteau County into the millions.

The Foundation’s board comes together annually to review the grant proposals and select recipients. This year they gave a total of $551,575.00 in Chouteau County. Big Sandy received $84,300.00 of the Lippard-Clawiter grants. Here is where it went.

Big Sandy Rotary Club-Dictionaries, Recreation, and Repairs, Girl/Boy Scout Sponsorships, Egg Hunt….$4,500

Big Sandy Rotary Club—Dug Out Repairs--$4,500

Big Sandy Rotary Club—Sheehy Park Gravel for Road repair--$3,600

Big Sandy Barracuda Swim Team—New Swim Suits, Swim Caps, Goggles, Sunblock, Logos on Suits/Warmups--$5,000

Big Sandy Medical Center—Funding for beneficial exercise program--$5,000

Big Sandy Medical Center Guild—Kitchen Remodeling Project--$8,000

Big Sandy Volunteer Fire Department---Replace tires, fire monitors, fire hose Nozzles, and set of Nerf Bars--$4,800

Big Sandy Historical Society—Operation Expense, Bldg. Maintenance, Repainting of Exterior--$10,000

Big Sandy Volunteer Ambulance—EMT Training--$3,500

Big Sandy Senior Citizens Center—Kitchen Supplies--$4,900

Big Sandy Cultural Center—Operating expenses--$5,000

Big Sandy Little Pioneer Wrestling—Travel Cost to tournaments, summer camp--$5,00

Big Sandy TV Club—Providing Local TV Stations to the Community--$2,000

Big Sandy Saddle Club—Cost to develop youth summer series--$5,000

Big Sandy Pool Fund—Construction to Build New Pool—$5,000

Big Sandy Soccer—New Goals—$3,000

Big Sandy Little league—Field Marker, tees, Bats, Baseballs, Soft Balls--$2,500

Big Sandy Theater –Sound system--$3,000

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