Tordik Wildlife Foundation gave $98,000 to Big Sandy groups

Tordik Wildlife Foundation, Inc. was formed in 1991 and they have quietly continued to fund projects in Chouteau County. This year the Big Sandy area received $98,000. The following received: Chouteau County Free Library in Big Sandy $3,000; Big Sandy Volunteer Fire Department $10,000; Town of Big Sandy Pool Fund $20,000; Big Sandy Rotary Club $20,000, Big Sandy Medical Center $10,000, and Big Sandy Education Foundation $35,000.

Mayor Shaud Schwarzbach wanted to acknowledge how extremely important they have been in the past, and this year's contributions are just as valuable. He said, "I directly see what the last couple of years has done for us. They do things that matter to this community. It makes a huge impact."

"We are getting enough grants now for the pool that are matching funds. And Tordik Wildlife Foundation, with their $20,00 donation, making it a $40,000 donation."

The Education Foundation has been one of the areas of their most significant contributions, not only allowing for scholarships for seniors, but this last year they opened it up to college-age students as well. Teachers can apply to the foundation for special projects. It has been decided that anything that furthers our students' education can apply for funding through the Education Foundation. The Tordik Wildlife Foundation has been a significant supporter of the Education Foundation and has given over a million dollars.

He said, "The Hospital gets funding through them as well, and the hospital is the cornerstone of our community, so it is defiantly needed here."

Mayor Schwarzbach praised the community and the foundation, "I don't know another fire department that isn't on the tax roll anywhere in the state! Grants and local donations are what fund the local department. It's very unique. There are more than a million dollars in equipment out there."

"Any money that goes to Rotary goes right back to the community of Big Sandy."

I want to say that although Tordik Wildlife Foundation has been quietly serving our community for several years that it is indeed time to acknowledge them. Sometimes as a community, we don't know what has supported us. What an outstanding provision they have given us.

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