School Board approves Interlocal Agreement with the Town of Big Sandy

During public comment, a letter was read. Day's Inn sent a letter to Big Sandy commenting on how wonderful the Big Sandy boys are. (Please read the letter to the editor)

The Chauvet family wants to pay it forward: They asked permission to improve Pioneer Court Yard with a new permanent Fence, power to light up the area, rock-like from Sibra, fixing the wagon and the pioneer. It will have professional landscaping, as presented to the school board.

Dan Schrock talked about future maintenance projects. He spoke about replacing the old PCP pipe in the electrical fault and crumbling walks and windows at the shop. Bids are being sought. The football field, having had a lot of wear this last year, the center of the field is worn down and needs a little bit of love. Bids will be looked at for this. Dan said safety for the students and the public is most important, but so is pride in our facility! Thermostats in the school need to be upgraded, so the school isn't cold at one end and hot at the other.

There were recently some discussions with the staff about the safe return to school after illness. Rusty Gasvoda and Cooper Taylor, who clean and disinfect the school, have set an excellent example for the other kids. And Dan wanted to express how wonderful the high school boys are!

In the past, there has only been one track coach for Junior High, but this year there will be 30 kids in Junior high track. So there will be a different schedule for Junior High, with all three coaches coaching both junior high and high school.

An interlocal Agreement with the town of Big Sandy for the municipal Pool Lease Minimum

starting 25-year term lease was discussed. The longer the lease, the stronger the grant application; however, the board liked the 25-year lease. Wording will be added that the area leased will always be used for recreation in the future. The pool needs to be finished within five years once the Fish Wildlife and Parks grant is received.

Superintendent Dan Schrock received a two additional years contract. He will receive $80,000 a year.

A full-time custodial, Derrick Brown, was hired.

Ongoing Gym Floor Maintenance Bid was discussed. They have hired a new contractor, Western Sports Floor.

The new election for School Trustee will be on May 2, 2023. It will be a paper ballot. Glen Terry and Darin Genereux are up for election. Darin, who has served for 15 years, is not running.

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