A fun pep rally raises $5,300

A new community-wide activity occurred one day before the Pioneer boys took off for state. After talking to Ella Jurenka, who in part organized the community side pep rally and fundraiser, she said, "The goal was pretty simple--to try to help take the financial burden off the school, the parents, and the kids. It costs a lot of money to take the kids to tournaments, but the experience for them is priceless. Memories they will never forget. You cannot put a price tag on this experience."

"We ask a lot of our kids. We want them to always make us, as a school, as parents, coaches, and the community, proud of all they do. We have really great kids doing their best(and everyone's best is different). For some, it's year-round sports while keeping their grades up and trying to navigate through life."

"To be one of the "elite" 8 is such an unbelievable accomplishment."

"The end goal. These boys need to be proud of and know what it means to us as a school and community. I want them to feel special, like what they do is worth it; they are making history and setting the tone for generations to come."

It was a fun night, full of homemade spaghetti, garlic bread, and basketball games and challenges. As a community, we raised $5,300.

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