Big Sandy High School Choir and Band excels

The District Music Festival was held in Shelby Friday and Saturday. There were 12 schools participating in the district competition. Big Sandy has 37 members in the band and 37 in the choir. On Friday, both the Pioneer band and the Pioneer Choir performed. The whole band performed Friday morning at 10:30. They played Quantum Variations, Red River Valley, Drive, and a song with just a brief review for sight reading. The full choir sang Windy Night, Hitch Your Dream to the Morning Star, and Witness, along with a sight reading portion as well at 2:00. Both the High School Band and the Big Sandy Choir received superior ratings, the highest rating possible from every judge.

Both the band's and the choir's performances were videoed and placed on the Big Sandy School Facebook page. Watch it, and you'll understand why they received Superior ratings. Big Sandy is a small school that plays and sings like a large school.

Saturday was for individual presentations, including solos, duets, ensembles, Sandy Sweethearts, and Sandy Select. Jaycee Worrall's Solo received a Superior, Angie Sant's Solo received an Excellent, and Darrell Sunchild, with a baritone solo, received a Superior. The vocal duet of Lance Rutledge and Angie Sant received a Superior. Jamie Jones's flute solo was awarded a Superior, and Alice Bold's clarinet solo received an Excellent rating. Hunter Moore's trumpet solo also received a Superior. Jaycee Worrall's vocal solo also received a Superior. Lance Rutledge's vocal solo received an excellent, the Brass Sextet received an excellent, while the brass duet of Hunter Moore and Darrell Sunchild received a Superior. Sandy Sweethearts and Sandy Select both received a Superior.

There are 14 out of the 17 ensembles from Big Sady that will go on to state.

Old former Big Sandy High School teacher Susan Walker was one of the judges. It was a treat for her and Big Sandy to have her be one of the judges. TJ Bond said she was a good judge because she praised the musicians and gave good support on how they could improve.

The gift of music is often overlooked. During worship, I sat in the back and listened to the strong male voices. Rebecca Wiehe sang a solo In Jesus's Name. It reminded me of our high school students excelling in music and that this experience will stay because music is a gift that will lift them and allow them to celebrate every day of their lives.

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