School Board News MAP and ACT scores keep going up

The School board met on April 18th for its regular meeting.

Heather Wolery, Big Sandy Principal, reported using a graphs to show the current ACT data and some MAP’s data. The graphs showed Big Sandy has improved in all areas over the last year.

The Booster Club reported the final designs for the mat in the gym were sent in. They are purple with Pioneers in yellow outlined in white. It was also reported that officers would be elected at the next meeting.

Dan Schrock, Big Sandy’s School Superintendent, reported the wagon area design would be finalized in the next few weeks. He also informed the board the heater in the gym, which was leaking, would be replaced. The good news is there is no black mold in the gym. Mrs. Mary Merrill and Sue Johnson have begun their tenure with the District. Mrs. Betty Brumwell, 42 years of experience, and Mrs. Bope Kulbeck, a retired business manager from Big Sandy, will be mentoring Mrs. Merrill.

Dan also mentioned that Mrs. Alma Terry, Mrs. Cheryl Ostrom, and Mrs. Cinda Pearson are retiring and have notified the District of their decision. “We also have two elementary positions I will be recruiting to fill.”

He also reported, “The really good news is that the District has $389,726 in ESSER III funds. We have begun the steps to put these funds to work on improving the health and safety of our school district. Areas of improvement include HVAC, general safety and wellness, and continuing to address COVID-era learning loss.”

Mrs. Brumwell and Dan request Title I funds from the state, and the District will also be transferring $95,000 in DHHS funds. Dan also got REAP(rural education achievements) grant for $13,000.

The school calendar is being worked on to be presented to the board at the May meeting.

Under new business, it was noted that there is only one signer now for the Activity Accounts. After discussion, the board agreed to put Mary Merrill and Heather Wolery as signers on the account in case it is needed.

The Classified personnel suggested a 3.0% wage increase on the base salary. That would be a 30-cent increase and a $50.00 increase for insurance. It was tabled to be considered later.

Melanie Schwarzbach, in her AD report, mentioned Coach Brittany McKenny, Big Sandy Volleyball coach, is organizing information for open gym for the rest of the school year and providing summer tournament information. Football camp information is arriving. Both Track and Wrestling will be discussing evaluations and developing plans for the upcoming school year. Although track started with a snowy start, the teams have been able to participate in a few meets. You can get the results on

Heather also reported the Big Sandy Carnival was a big success with the return of entertainment and skits. The carnival was well attended and made around $4,000. She mentioned that prom was well attended and the Easter Buddy Day the student council put on was fun and enjoyed by all the students, and everyone is looking forward to it becoming a yearly tradition

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