Track at Memorial Invitational

The weather was perfect for a track meet on Saturday at the Memorial Invitational in Great Falls. The Pioneers faced 31 teams. The varsity boys placed 8th overall, and the girls placed 21st overall.

The results are below:

Boys Varsity

In the 100m race, 114 athletes participated. Cooper Taylor, with a time of 11.6, took 5th place.

In the 200m, 87 athletes participated, and in 7th place, Cooper Taylor, with a time of 23.9.

Those who got the PR were Kody Strutz at 24.3 and Ryder Galbavy at 36.03

400m: Austin Haugen ran his fastest race in 1:00

The Shot Put had 108 athletes that participated, with 3rd place going to Wylee Snapp, his personal best, with a throw of 45-2.75. Those getting PRs: Ryder Galbavy 36-3.75, Darrell Sunchild 34-5.75, Hunter Moore 28-8, Dolan Sunchild 26-5.5, and Travis Wilford 25-11.

Discus had 105 athletes participate, with 4th place going to Wylee Snapp with a throw of 136-4.75 and 6th place to Cooper Taylor 129-4.25.

Javelin had 110 athletes participate. 3rd place went to Cooper Taylor with a throw 151-8.5. PR: Ryder Galbavy 116-10 and Hunter Moore 74-5

Long Jump getting PR: Austin Haugen 16-2.25 and Travis Wilford 12-3.25.

The girls' events had fewer participants than the boys' events. Their results are below:

100m getting a PR: Carmen Tan 14.0 Carmen Tan also got another PR in the 200m 29.3.

In the mile, both Alex Worrall 6:01 and Angie Sant 6:18 got PRs

In the 100m hurdles, Malaysia Baumann ran her best race in 19.2.

300m hurdles PR for both Mattie Gasvoda 55.4 and Jenny Sant 56.9.

400m relay Mattie Gasvoda, Kaya Demontiney, Eva Yeadon, and Carmen Tan took 10th place 56.16.

1600 relay Eva Yeadon, Mattie Gasvoda, Angie Sant, and Jenny Sant took 7th place at 4:44.

Shot Put PR: Keira Galbavy 27-5, Brianna Terry 26-6, Tori Dixon 26-1

Discus: a PR for Brianna Terry 83-6

Javelin: 9th place Eva Yeadon 94-11. Getting PR--Keira Galbavy 88-6, Mattie Gasvoda 69-5, and Jenny Sant 60-4.

High Jump PR: Keira Galbavy 4'2

Long jump PR: Brianna Terry 11-4, Alex Worrall 11-.25, and Tori Dixon 9-8.

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