Big Sandy is Full of talented musicians

Arts and Athletics Council is a new non-profit formed in Big Sandy to help support local youth activities unrelated to the school. An "IRC 501(c)(3) Organizations that are organized and operated exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, testing for public safety, literary, educational or other specified purposes."

One club that belongs is the Big Sandy Pioneer Little League, whose director is Clarissa Ray (406)357-7214. They are forming right now for youth ages 4-13. If you are interested in anything Little League related, Look on the Big Sandy Pioneer Little League FaceBook page or go to the Big Sandy Library.

"For the first week of practice. All previous players will go to the team practice they were a part of last year. Player ability wee be assessed and moved as coaches see fit. New players seven and under will go to tee-ball. Eight and above will start in the coach pitch. All players can be bumped up as coaches see fit."

The Little League, with the help of the city and Rotary, will be cleaning and building new dugouts for the baseball field.

Make sure and watch it this summer. Baseball is alive a well. There's food to purchase and bleachers to sit in.

Other clubs that belong are Youth Basketball, and its directors are Nathan Merrill and Eryn Nissen. The Big Sandy Theater and its director is Diana Keene. The Pioneer Parents' director is Rachel Baumgarn.

Although the Youth Soccer club is reorganizing, they belong to the Arts and Athletic. Petra Yirsa said, "There is a call for a new Director and Coach for Soccer this fall. A chance to inspire youth athletes is here! Do you have a passion for physical fitness and a desire to inspire young athletes in your community? If so, we are currently seeking a new youth soccer director and coaches to coordinate games and practices for our Big Sandy Soccer League."

"As we all know, soccer provides numerous benefits for kids, from improving physical fitness and coordination to developing teamwork, communication, and sportsmanship skills. A dedicated director can ensure players have the tools to succeed on the field and in life beyond sports."

"Our current director is stepping down, and we desperately need a replacement. We are losing U6, U8, and U12 coaches. The soccer program has been a part of Big Sandy for over 15 years, with over 60 kids playing each year. We want to continue offering this program for future athletes. The season starts as soon as school starts in August. If you are interested in this opportunity to positively impact young athletes' lives in our community, please reach out to Rachel Baumgarn at 406-781-8276."

The Arts and Athletic Council recently met and is working on the policy and procedure for its 2nd reading. There was also a discussion about background checks for coaches and instructors. Officers are President Rachael Baumgarn, Vice President Eryn Dissen, Secretary Sam Weaver, Treasure Nicole Allderdice, and Nathan Merrill-"the one dude."

The 501 C3 was formed because there was no financial support from the school for these youth activities. They would like to encourage community involvement. You can also help by supporting each with a donation which is now tax deductible.