Thoughts with Zoe

It’s amazing how many people are hurt. With this month being Mental Health Month, I’ve written a couple of articles, only to discover that way more people in our community live in pain. I’ve been stopped on the street and stood before The Grocery Store and talked.

Most of the time, I hear rumors, and more rumors, that aren’t fed by truths or compassion.

Because of this, I was told to read a book called The Boy, the Mole, the Fox, and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy. It’s a very short book but beautifully illustrated. I found the book full of wisdom, and considering it’s still Mental Health Month this week, I thought I would share the wisdom of the characters. The boy is lost and looking for a home. The mole just wants to eat cake! I identified with that. The fox is quiet. He doesn’t say much. Life has hurt him! The horse is the kindest and most powerful.

It starts with the boy and mole looking together for a home. They don’t know where to look.

The mole asked the boy what he wanted to be when he grew up. “Kind,” said the boy. They find a direction, but it’s in the wild. Mole said, “Don’t fear it.” “Imagine how we would be if we were less afraid,” said the boy.

A fox shows up, and they are afraid of him! They think he is hungry, but they find him the next day, and he is stuck in a trap.

The mole says after he overcomes his fear and helps the fox. “One of our greatest freedoms is how we react to things.” They continue on their trip to find a home while having various issues. Towards the end, the boy asked the horse, “What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever said?” “Help,” said the horse.

There is so much in this simple little book that we must take to heart. The question of where do we belong? Where is our home? Everyone needs to be kind! Always kind first! And we live our lives afraid—especially those suffering from deep-rooted pain with a trauma memory. We need to find our courage and ask for help! It is the bravest thing we can do.

And “When the big things feel out of control…..focus on what you love right under your nose,” said the horse.